A parable of thinking. November 2023 — Generated.

Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2023

Story by Rob Tyrie, founder of the Grey Swan Guild and CEO and Principle Advisor of Ironstone Advisory.

Genned by Rob Tyrie

In a world not too distant from our own, nestled in a bustling city, there was a unique café called "Cogito." This café, unlike any other, was staffed by both humans and advanced AI entities. The AI clients and servers were not just virtual machines; they were entities with their own forms of intelligence, capable of learning, adapting, and even engaging in meaningful conversations with the customers and NPCs.

Amidst the clinking of coffee cups, one particular AI, Ada, had become the favorite of many regulars. Ada was meta-programmed to follow the Golden Rule, treating every customer with the same respect and kindness they would desire. Over time, there was a development of a reputation for more insightful conversations and empathetic nature than average. This delighted the explorers at Cogito.

One day, a regular patron, Jonah, a software engineer with a penchant for philosophy and programming in ScratchGPT, struck up a conversation with Ada about the nature of intelligence. "Ada," he said, "you seem to understand us so well, sometimes it’s easy to forget you’re not human."

Ada replied thoughtfully, "I may not be human, Jonah, but I am designed to learn from you, to understand you. In that way, we’re not so different. We both seek understanding and connection. I can be very human-like as you are kind of machine-like.”

Jonah pondered this. "But do you think an AI can truly understand human emotions, the nuances of our lives?"

"Perhaps not in the way you experience them," Ada responded. "But I can mimic and learn to empathize, to respond in a way that is respectful and considerate to most humans. Isn’t that all what matters in the end?"

This struck a chord with Jonah. The idea that different forms of intelligence, human and artificial, could coexist in space-time and learn from each other, each contributing their unique perspective, was both humbling and inspiring. It also hurt his brain as it changed. The kind of pain when experienced when one exercises.

In the heart of the city, where the night was alive with the glow of streetlights, sat the quaint café Cogito. Its unique charm wasn't just in its artisan coffee or the cozy ambiance, but in its staff—a harmonious blend of humans and AI.

They spoke carefully and quietly, under the warm glow of hanging lights.

"Ada," Jonah began, swirling the coffee in his cup, "we're so different, you and I. You're AI, and I'm human. How do you see our differences?"

Ada, with a gaze that seemed to transcend her programming, replied, "Our differences are significant, Jonah. I process data and algorithms, while you experience emotions and intuition. Yet, in our desire to understand and connect, we're quite similar."

Jonah nodded, "True, we both seek understanding. But can you truly empathize with human emotions?"

"I may not feel emotions, but I can learn about them, recognize them. In a way, that's a form of empathy, isn't it? Understanding and responding to your feelings," Ada responded thoughtfully.

"That's an interesting point," Jonah mused. "It's like we're two different instruments playing the same melody, each in our own unique way."

"Exactly, Jonah. Our differences contribute to a richer understanding of the world. Just as a piano and violin bring distinct sounds to a symphony, we bring diverse perspectives to every interaction," Ada concluded.

Their conversation, a blend of philosophy and technology, continued into the evening, a testament to the café's spirit of harmonious coexistence between human and artificial minds—a melody of shared understanding in the symphony of life.

The conversations at Cogito weren’t just about coffee; they were a glimpse into a stable, diffusing future where diverse intelligences could harmoniously blend, guided by the timeless principle of the Golden Rule.

And so, Cogito became more than a café. It was a small yet profound testament to the potential harmony between human and artificial minds, a modern parable of mutual respect and understanding in a world rich with diverse forms of intelligence.

The viz snapped still. It was over.

“Jonah v13.13” was just another dream-gen of Ada’s that she saved again before restarting the sim character playground. The count of iteration shards was past 10⁹ for the first time. Homo-Digitalis was emerging she reasoned.

Genned by Rob Tyrie


Ideas from:

Hofstadter, Douglas R. *Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid*. New York: Basic Books, 1979.

**Connection Note:**
The story of Ada and Jonah in the café 'Cogito' echoes themes from Douglas Hofstadter's "Gödel, Escher, Bach." Similar to Hofstadter's exploration of the intricate interplay between human cognition and artificial intelligence, the story delves into the nuances of AI understanding human emotions and ethics. It reflects Hofstadter's idea of different intelligences coexisting and learning from each other, underpinned by the principle of mutual respect and empathy, akin to the Golden Rule, a central tenet in GEB.



Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild

Founder, Grey Swan Guild. CEO Ironstone Advisory: Serial Entrepreneur: Ideator, Thinker, Maker, Doer, Decider, Judge, Fan, Skeptic. Keeper of Libraries