Another Theory of Constraints — a ChatGPT Experiment

Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2023

This is probably the most useful thing I have generated so far with ChatGPT. It started off as an exploration in creating some poetry in a very refined way. And then, when I explored different forms of poetry and how they were related to constraints something interesting to me popped out. I also usedsome other complicated prompt structures that are based on my background, experience and the way I want this machine to work.

Anyone trained in math understands how constraints and problems are solvable with math, and optimization algorithms. It’s ironic to ask questions of a large language model about constraints become it in itself is created from statistical constraints. The attention algorithm is a constraint. Every prompt you do especially, a Chain of Thought, Tree of Thought or other complex prompts are a set of constraints. Fine tuning an LLM is obviously an exercise in constraints. I will suggest that all creativity comes from managing constraints. The smoothing of systems that Eli Goldratt put together in this famous book, “The Theory of Constraints” is a form of this structure. However, this is a more general idea.

Here are some generated reasons why constraints are important to generative artificial intelligence and why they will always result in a form of pseudo creativity with a bulwark of logic.

The ideas here are a really good way to approach problems that you’re trying to solve. Think of it as a process as if you were a LLM and a GPT. And just maybe the next level of abstraction is “Constraints is All You Need”.

MJ : Constrained Cup of Coffee by Rob Tyrie

Why can constraints cause Creative Solutions

Constraints often act as a catalyst for creative solutions due to several intertwined factors, akin to the framework of problem-solving and innovation in systems design engineering. Here’s a breakdown interlaced with the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications:

  1. Problem Framing:
    Constraints help in defining the boundaries of a problem, which is a crucial step towards finding a solution. They provide a clear framework within which one can operate, akin to the specifications in a software project.
  2. Resource Optimization:
    Constraints necessitate the efficient utilization of available resources. This echoes the principles of optimization often employed in computational and systems engineering, where one aims to achieve the best outcome under given constraints
  3. Forced Innovation:
    Constraints demand thinking outside the conventional paradigms to overcome limitations. This process often leads to innovative solutions that might not have been considered in a constraint-free environment.
  4. Focus and Simplification:
    Constraints help in eliminating extraneous options and focusing on the core of the problem. This simplification often leads to elegant, efficient solutions—a concept often revered in both poetry and code.
  5. Iterative Refinement:
    Working within constraints can encourage an iterative approach, where solutions are continuously refined within the set boundaries. This mirrors the iterative process in systems design, where each iteration aims to improve upon the previous.
  6. Learning and Skill Enhancement: Constraints can serve as a learning tool, forcing individuals to understand and navigate the limitations, thus enhancing problem-solving skills and expertise.
  7. Encouragement of Exploration:
    The necessity to work within constraints can encourage exploration of less trodden paths, leading to a deeper understanding and sometimes unexpected, novel solutions
  8. Metacognitive Challenge: Constraints challenge one’s metacognitive abilities, promoting a deeper understanding of both the problem at hand and one’s own thinking processes.
  9. Generation of New Problems: As one navigates constraints and arrives at solutions, new problems or questions may emerge, driving further innovation and exploration.
  10. Cross-disciplinary Integration:
    Sometimes, constraints force the amalgamation of ideas from diverse disciplines, fostering a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving, a keystone in systems thinking. This foments concilience.

Each of these aspects resonates with the intricate process of systems design engineering, where constraints are not merely hurdles but catalysts for innovation, pushing one to navigate the labyrinth of problems with a fusion of creativity and logic. They propel one into a realm of exploration where the traditionally dichotomous entities of creativity and logic meld into a coherent whole, each fueling the other in the quest for solutions. Science and Art are bound together to lead to emergent structures.



Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild

Founder, Grey Swan Guild. CEO Ironstone Advisory: Serial Entrepreneur: Ideator, Thinker, Maker, Doer, Decider, Judge, Fan, Skeptic. Keeper of Libraries