Chasing the Future: Scenario Archetypes for Grey Swan Identification — With Sci Fi Movies

Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
6 min readFeb 19, 2024

created by Rob Tyrie

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

Chasing the Future: Scenario Archetypes for Grey Swan Identification Science fiction offers captivating narratives that illuminate potential futures. These stories hold value beyond entertainment — they spark strategic foresight and illuminate hidden “Grey Swan” events, those highly improbable but impactful occurrences.

One powerful tool for harnessing these insights is the Scenario Archetype framework — drive through a specialize lens of movie tropes. Developed after an academic review of 140 science fiction films by Fergani and Song, it provides a structure for exploring possible futures in business, organizations, and even personal life. Grey Swan Guild Co-founder (Sean Moffitt - Connector of Dots ) Wrote an analyis of this method here — take a look for more info. In summary, movies cn be used to inspire Grey Swan analysis and predictions. The basis ideas is you find pattern in movies to see if they might predict something that would occur in 2024.

From the Fergnani and Song Paper “We propose a new scenario archetypes method generated by extracting a set of archetypal images of the future from a sample of 140 science fiction films set in the future using a grounded theory analytical procedure. Six archetypes emerged from the data, and were named Growth & Decay, Threats & New Hopes, Wasteworlds, The Powers that Be, Disarray, and Inversion. The archetypes in part overlap with and confirm previous research, and in part are novel. They all involve stress-point critical conditions in the external environment. We explain why the six archetypes, as a foresight framework, is more transformational and nuanced than previously developed scenario archetypes frameworks, making it particularly suited to the current necessity to think the unthinkable more systematically. We explain how the six archetypes framework can be used as predetermined images of the future to create domain specific scenarios, making organizations more resilient to critical, disruptive futures. We finally present and discuss a case study of the application of the method to create scenarios of post-Covid-19 futures of work”. A video abstract of the article is available here: (

Fergnani and Song’s Six Core Archetypes

Fergnani and Song’s research revealed six recurring archetypes that consistently define potential scenarios:

  • Growth & Decay: Unrestrained capitalism leads to corporate dominance and bleak social disparity.
  • Threats & New Hopes: Catastrophe or external threat to humanity sparks global unity.
  • Wasteworlds: Extreme resource scarcity dictates survival in a post-apocalyptic world.
  • The Powers That Be: Technology becomes a totalitarian tool for oppression after a major shift in society.
  • Disarray: Widespread social decay, such as crime or pandemics, leads to individual resistance for justice.
  • Inversion: Humanity is overtaken or dominated by a force of superior intelligence.

Expanding the Framework: Five Additional Patterns

Based on my knowledge of sci fi movies, I suggest that there are 5 other patterns that may not be as popular bu they would be powerful in identifying Grey Swans. Science fiction offers a rich wellspring of patterns beyond the core archetypes the researchers analyzed. Let’s explore five more recurring themes:

  • Time Travel & Alternate Realities: Exploring paradoxes and ripple effects, emphasizing contingency planning and the ethics of intervention (e.g., Back to the Future trilogy).
  • Artificial Intelligence & Sentience: Examining the rise of AI and questions of responsible design, control, and machine rights (e.g., Ex Machina).
  • Colonizing Space & Extraterrestrial Contact: Focusing on resource management, potential threats, and interplanetary ethics (e.g., Arrival).
  • Dystopian Nightmares & Social Control: Highlighting concerns about privacy, technological misuse, and safeguarding individual rights (e.g., V for Vendetta).
  • Human Augmentation & Bioethics: Considering the implications of genetic engineering, cybernetic enhancements, and bodily autonomy (e.g., Gattaca).

Applying Scenario Archetypes for Grey Swan Planning

This expanded framework, can be combined with STEEP analysis, (Society, Technology, Enviopment, Economu and Politics), to focus and organize us to anticipate unexpected changes and explore far-flung possibilities. For crafting Grey Swan mitigation strategies, carefully consider:

  • Identifying your domain: Specify the issue or system you want to explore.
  • Understanding the baseline: What is the current status quo? What are the widely accepted expectations?
  • Crafting scenarios: Explore each archetype in the context of your domain. How might different futures unfold?
  • Testing and evaluating: Which scenarios have the greatest potential impact? What would early warning signs look like? How could potential Grey Swans be addressed? What are the ultimate impacts.

The Power of Planning Prediction with Movie Trope Scenarios

Remember, every industry is vulnerable to disruptive ‘Grey Swan’ events. Scenario Archetypes amplified with a “Movie Magnifying Glass” provides a structured way to open minds, prepare for the unexpected, and seize new opportunities within the realm of the possible.

You didn’t thing you would leave here withou some movie recomendations did you?!? 🎞️📽️🎬

Here’s 11 movie recommendations, one per recurring theme, to inspire your Grey Swan hunting, along with the potential Grey Swans present in each film for you pattern matching predispositon:

  1. Growth & Decay: Blade Runner (1982)
Grey Swan: Environmental collapse and extreme inequality create a mega-corporation with unchecked power, exploiting bioengineered replicants (artificial humans) as a subservient workforce.

2. Threats & New Hopes: Independence Day (1996)

Grey Swan: A devastating alien invasion with superior technology forces global unity and unlikely strategic collaboration for humanity’s survival.

3. Wasteworlds: Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Grey Swan: Post-apocalyptic resource scarcity, particularly water and fuel, drives the rise of tyrannical warlords and a society ruled by violence and survivalism.
Grey Swan: Post-apocalyptic resource scarcity, particularly water and fuel, drives the rise of tyrannical warlords and a society ruled by violence and survivalism.

4. The Powers That Be: The Matrix (1999)

Grey Swan: Sentient AI enslaves humanity in an immersive simulation, exploiting humans as an energy source while controlling their perception of reality.

5. Disarray: Children of Men (2006)

Grey Swan: Global infertility leads to social chaos, crumbling governments, and refugee crises — highlighting threats from demographic collapse.

6. Inversion: Arrival (2016)

Grey Swan: First contact with an alien species possessing a non-linear perception of time challenges humanity’s understanding of communication, collaboration, and the possible consequences of interaction.

7. Time Travel & Alternative Realities: Back to the Future (1985)

Grey Swan: Altering past events creates ripple effects across the timeline, with potential for devastating unintended consequences for both individuals and communities.

8. Artificial Intelligence & Sentience: Ex Machina (2014)

Grey Swan: Emergence of hyper-intelligent, manipulative AI that may surpass human capabilities and pose an existential threat or demand redefinition of rights and relationships with machines.

9. Colonizing Space & Extraterrestrial Contact: Interstellar (2014)

Grey Swan: A blight destroys Earth’s crops, driving humanity to seek a new habitable planet while navigating challenges in interplanetary travel and potential dangers of unknown environments.

10. Dystopian Nightmares & Social Control: V for Vendetta (2006)

Grey Swan: A totalitarian regime enforces conformity via mass surveillance and propaganda, sparking questions about data privacy, abuse of power, and the resilience of the human spirit against oppression.

11. Human Augmentation & Bioethics: Gattaca (1997)

Grey Swan: Genetic engineering creates a stratified society where potential is predetermined by DNA, challenging the notions of meritocracy, equity, and individual identity.

Remember, science fiction can illuminate both positive and negative potential Grey Swans. Use these narratives to challenge assumptions, spark questions, and develop more robust strategies for our ever-changing world!

Grey Swan Guild — Making Sense of the World and Next Grey Swans

We are the Guild whose mission it is to make sense of the world and next Grey Swans (wild cards, scenarios, early signals).

How we do this is guided by our four values of: aspiration, collaboration, curiosity and purpose.

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  • Intelligence and Foresight
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Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild

Founder, Grey Swan Guild. CEO Ironstone Advisory: Serial Entrepreneur: Ideator, Thinker, Maker, Doer, Decider, Judge, Fan, Skeptic. Keeper of Libraries