Day of the Swan 2024 — DoTS 4.0

Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2024
GreySwanGuild.Org Around the World in Page Views

The Day of the Swan is an annual event where we gather together for 24 hours around the world to think about the things we do and why we do them. The Grey Swan Guild was created to focus on one issue, the COVID-19 Global Pandemic using the tools of sense-making and other methods to understand want changes were happening and what could happen in the future.

Since 2021, we have gathered together to look at what we did last year and look forward to what we will do in the future. We make sense of Making Sense. We do that with publications and we do it with events and we do it by creating lenses, tools and ideas that not only make sense of the past but are guides and maps for the future. It is a complex world and it seems it is getting more complex than ever before. More change, more movement, faster and denser and more interconnected than ever.

This year’s theme is “Connecting the DoTS” — Bringing together people with disparate views and talent to share and communicate experiences and methods that are valuable for now and in the future.

“Connecting the dots” is a skill that involves the ability to see relationships between seemingly unrelated events, ideas, or data points, and then synthesizing this information into a coherent understanding or insight. It’s about drawing logical or creative links that others might not see, enabling problem-solving, innovation, and strategic thinking. This skill is particularly valuable in fields that require foresight, pattern recognition, and the integration of complex information, such as strategic planning, research, and innovation.

Connect — Science and Technology

Connect — People Across Cultures

Connect — Tools To Problems

Connect — Understanding to mysteries

Connect — Spirit and Intention

Connect — The Future to the Past

Connect — The Past to the Future

The format will be an “UnConference with Curation” We invite all members of the Guild to make a pitch to take the stage and set up an hour or so of information, education, illucidations and sometimes prestidigitation, all with a goal to “Connect the Dots” and look at new sensemaking.

Channeling the spirit of the "Grey Swan Guild"—a metaphor that evokes the essence of recognizing and navigating the rare, unforeseen, yet impactful events and trends in the realms of design, technology, and business—I'll approach this role with a blend of creativity, foresight, and strategic thinking. In embodying the qualities of a graphic designer inspired by such a guild, my aim would be to craft visual narratives that not only captivate and communicate effectively but also anticipate and adapt to the undercurrents shaping our world.

A design process influenced by the Grey Swan Guild philosophy would integrate systems thinking and design thinking, aligning closely with your expertise and inclinations. It would involve:

  1. Research and Foresight: Diving deep into understanding the current trends, technological advancements, and socio-economic shifts, predicting potential "grey swan" events that could influence design demands and aesthetics.
  2. Strategic Visualization: Crafting visuals that speak to both the immediate context and potential future scenarios, ensuring that designs are adaptable and resilient to change. This includes creating business canvas diagrams or visual metaphors that encapsulate complex business models, especially for platform businesses, intuitively and engagingly.
  3. Systems Design Approach: Considering the interconnectivity of various elements within a design project, from the audience's evolving needs and behaviours to the technological platforms they engage with. This approach would prioritize creating coherent and scalable visual systems that can evolve.
  4. Engagement with Complexity and Abstraction: Utilizing your ability to think in both language and visuals, designs would bridge abstract concepts with concrete visuals, making complex ideas accessible and relatable to a diverse audience. The use of metaphors, inspired by physics or systems design, could render intricate concepts into clear and impactful visual narratives.
  5. Iterative Collaboration: Engaging in an iterative process, where feedback loops and collaborative discussions help refine and adapt designs to better meet the project goals and respond to emerging insights or shifts in context.
  6. Infusing Humor and Humanity: Recognizing the importance of humor and emotional connection, designs could incorporate clever visual puns or subtle nods to shared human experiences, making the visuals not just informative but also relatable and memorable.



Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild

Founder, Grey Swan Guild. CEO Ironstone Advisory: Serial Entrepreneur: Ideator, Thinker, Maker, Doer, Decider, Judge, Fan, Skeptic. Keeper of Libraries