The Grey Swan Guide and 12 Monthly Themes 2024–2025

Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2024

By Sean Moffitt - Connector of Dots and Rob Tyrie

The Colors of The Umbrellas - Rob Tyrie (MJ)

The Journey of Progress: A Year of Transformation with the Grey Swan Guild

This is the first draft of the monthly theme that will guide the growth and engagement of the guild. This is part of the DNA of how we will create and collaborate across the next 12 months in the Grey Swan Guild across micro and macrostructures that we have designed together.

July - Culture Month

In vibrant towns Everywhere, July will be celebrated as Culture Month. Inspired by the Grey Swan Guild’s emphasis on cultural intelligence, the town hosted events that highlighted the rich tapestry of global traditions. Workshops on cross-cultural communication and inclusive practices brought the community together. The streets, adorned with colorful umbrellas, symbolized the diversity and richness of human experiences, fostering a deep sense of belonging and mutual respect.

August - Workplace Month

August ushers in Workplace Month, drawing on the Guild’s insights into the future of work. World businesses embraced hybrid models, flexible schedules, and inclusive workspaces. The town’s iconic circular building became a symbol of this transformation, reflecting a commitment to environments that support collaboration, well-being, and innovation. Workshops and pubs will focus on building resilient and adaptive workplace cultures, preparing for the uncertainties of the future.

September - Futures Month

With September comes Futures Month, a period dedicated to foresight and scenario planning, echoing the Grey Swan Guild’s methodologies. Visionaries and futurists gathered to explore emerging trends and technologies, from AI and biotech to space exploration. The community engaged in foresight exercises, using telescopes and virtual reality to imagine and prepare for multiple possible futures, fostering a culture of proactive adaptation.

October - Leadership Month

October marks Leadership Month, centres on the Guild’s leadership principles. Publications, Seminars and workshops will be held to cultivate leaders who can navigate complex, uncertain environments with integrity and empathy. The compass is a powerful metaphor, guiding individuals to develop strategic foresight and emotional intelligence, essential traits for leading in a rapidly changing world.

November - Impact Month

November’s Impact Month is inspired by the Guild’s focus on systemic change and impact. The community will undertake projects aimed at environmental sustainability, social justice, and community welfare. Initiatives included clean energy workshops, social innovation hackathons, and community engagement events. The image of Earth from space reminded everyone of their shared responsibility to create a sustainable and equitable future.

December - Humans Month

December’s Humans Month draws on the Guild’s human-centric approach. Events emphasize empathy, mental health, and the importance of human connection. Stories of resilience and compassion were shared, highlighting the community’s capacity for support and understanding. The month was dedicated to fostering a sense of belonging and mutual care, with initiatives that supported mental well-being and social cohesion.

January - Marketplace Month

The new year kicked off with Marketplace Month, reflecting the Guild’s insights into economic resilience and adaptability. World markets thrive as local businesses and entrepreneurs showcased their innovations. Discussions focused on sustainable business models, ethical entrepreneurship, and the role of markets in fostering community resilience. This month highlighted the importance of adaptable and resilient economic systems in the face of global uncertainties.

February - Learning Month

February’s Learning Month is inspired by the Guild’s emphasis on continuous learning and adaptive education. Educational institutions and community centers will be shaped into hubs of knowledge, offering workshops on critical thinking, digital literacy, and lifelong learning. The open book symbolizes the endless possibilities that education brings, fostering a culture of intellectual growth and agility.

March - Economy Month

March’s Economy Month we delve into the Guild’s exploration of economic futures. Experts and community members analyzed market trends, sustainable finance, and the future of work. The iconic bull and bear statues illustrated the dynamic nature of the economy, reminding everyone of the need for informed decision-making and resilience in the face of economic shifts.

April - Sensemaking Month

April’s Sensemaking Month and is a nod to the Guild’s focus on navigating complexity. Through interactive sessions and discussions, citizens learned to interpret and make sense of vast amounts of information. The maze symbolized the complexities of modern life, while the figure finding their way represented the collective journey to clarity and understanding, emphasizing the importance of shared insights and collaborative problem-solving.

May - Innovation Month

May and spring will bloom with Innovation Month, drawing from the Guild’s emphasis on creative problem-solving and technological advancement. Innovators, scientists, and entrepreneurs will showcase their breakthroughs, from AI-driven solutions to community-centered innovations. The month celebrates the spirit of creativity and the pursuit of novel solutions to complex challenges, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and forward-thinking.

June - Technology Month

June culminate in Technology Month, inspired by the Guild’s exploration of technological impact. The community as always will engage with cutting-edge technologies and their implications for society. Events included tech expos, ethical AI discussions, and digital transformation workshops. The month emphasized the need for responsible and inclusive technological development, preparing the community to harness technology for positive societal impact.


This story integrates the themes of the Grey Swan Guild, emphasizing foresight, adaptability, and systemic thinking, creating a narrative that reflects a commitment to navigating and thriving in an uncertain world.



Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild

Founder, Grey Swan Guild. CEO Ironstone Advisory: Serial Entrepreneur: Ideator, Thinker, Maker, Doer, Decider, Judge, Fan, Skeptic. Keeper of Libraries