The state of the art of using swarms in AI to create and solve problems.

Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
6 min readJul 6, 2024

Assembled and Constructed By @robtyrie

Invivo Swarms : 📸 Rob Tyrie mj

Harnessing Swarm Intelligence and Generative AI for Future Innovations

Swarm intelligence and AI agents, bolstered by generative AI, are revolutionizing sectors like military systems, edge computing, engineering optimization, and decision-making. This rapidly growing field promises substantial market expansion. Beyond mainstream trends, I am doing a deeper dive into academic and industry insights through specialized workshops, books, and platforms.

Understanding AI Agents and Agent Systems

Think of AI agents as highly skilled digital assistants. Just like a personal assistant who helps manage your schedule, responds to emails, and even anticipates your needs, AI agents perform specific tasks for you. These tasks could range from booking appointments to analyzing data or even navigating through traffic. They observe their environment, make decisions based on the data they collect, and act to achieve their goals efficiently.

Now, imagine you have not just one assistant but a whole team of them, each specialized in different areas. This is what an agent system is—a coordinated group of AI agents working together to tackle more complex problems. For instance, in a smart home, one agent might control the lighting, another manages the security system, and another looks after energy consumption. By working together, these agents create a seamless, intelligent system that makes life easier and more efficient, much like a well-coordinated team of experts.

AI agents can perform a wide array of tasks through the implementation of various machine learning algorithms and data processing techniques. They are designed to perceive their environment through sensors, process information using models (e.g., neural networks, decision trees), and execute actions to achieve specified goals. The creation of AI agents involves several technical steps: defining the problem domain, collecting and preprocessing relevant data, selecting appropriate machine learning algorithms, training models on the data, and validating the models' performance. Advanced techniques like reinforcement learning enable agents to learn optimal policies through interaction with their environment, while multi-agent systems require complex coordination protocols and communication mechanisms to ensure coherent collective behavior.

Swarms of software will drive cars: 📸 Rob Tyrie Dall*E

For example, in autonomous vehicle systems, AI agents are created to handle tasks such as obstacle detection, path planning, and navigation. The creation process starts with collecting vast amounts of sensor data (e.g., LIDAR, cameras) from real-world driving scenarios. This data is then used to train convolutional neural networks for object recognition and recurrent neural networks for decision-making processes. Reinforcement learning algorithms are employed to teach the vehicle how to navigate through different traffic conditions by simulating various driving scenarios. Through iterative training and real-world testing, these AI agents improve their performance, ultimately enabling the vehicle to drive autonomously while coordinating with other agents on the road for optimal traffic flow and safety.

Advancements in swarm intelligence and generative AI, where multiple AI agents collaborate on tasks like obstacle detection and path planning in autonomous vehicles, highlight the real-world potential of these technologies.

This concept is vividly explored in Daniel Suarez’s "Daemon," a novel where autonomous systems and AI agents form a decentralized network that influences real-world events with precision. "Daemon" serves as a fictional yet insightful exploration of how these technologies might evolve, offering a deeper dive into the predictive qualities of science fiction. For a thought provoking look at the potential future of AI and swarm intelligence, Suarez’s novel provides a captivating narrative that aligns closely with our current technological trajectory. (

Connected Cars:📸: Rob Tyrie

#SwarmIntelligence #AI #GenerativeAI #Innovation #FutureTech

What’s going on with swarms and agents today in industry?

There’s enough stuff to be concerned about and to be betting on this technology to change computing and systems in the next thousand days. Based on the search results and using, here is an overview of the current state-of-the-art in using swarm intelligence in AI to create and solve problems, with examples from around the world:

Swarm Intelligence in Military Applications

The military is increasingly leveraging swarm intelligence in AI systems to enhance operations[3]:

- **Warfare systems** like weapons, sensors, navigation, and surveillance are employing swarm AI to improve efficiency and reduce reliance on human input. The Pentagon recently updated its autonomous weapons policy to provide guidance on safe and ethical development of AI-powered weapons.

- **Drone swarms** controlled by AI are being used to great effect. The drones communicate and coordinate like swarms of insects in nature, sharing vital information to achieve overarching objectives. Companies like Sentient Digital are developing naval wargaming simulations that combine large language models (LLMs) with swarm architectures.

Growth of the Swarm Intelligence Market

The global swarm intelligence market is projected to experience significant growth between 2024 and 2032[4]. As of 2024, the market is expanding rapidly in several key regions worldwide. Factors driving this growth include increasing demand for optimization in various industries and the need for decentralized control systems.

Swarm Intelligence in Edge Computing

Researchers are exploring the intersection of edge AI and swarm intelligence. An upcoming workshop "Edge AI meets Swarm Intelligence" to be held in Croatia in September 2024 is seeking papers on frameworks, technologies and use cases combining the two fields[5]. The goal is to foster collaboration and exchange ideas among researchers and stakeholders in this emerging area.

Engineering Applications and Algorithms

A new book titled "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Swarm Intelligence" is slated for publication by Springer in 2024[6][7]. It will cover the latest research on swarm intelligence algorithms and their real-world engineering applications, including:

- Nature-inspired optimization algorithms
- Analysis of swarm algorithms and theory
- Applications in science, engineering and industry
- Best practices for implementing swarm systems

Predicting Events and Optimizing Decisions

The company Unanimous AI has been using its Swarm AI platform to make remarkably accurate predictions in domains like sports, entertainment, and elections[8][9]. For example:

- Their swarms correctly predicted 14 out of 16 Oscar categories in 2023
- Swarms forecasted the Kansas City Chiefs winning the 2023 Super Bowl
- Swarms achieved 65% accuracy predicting NFL games against Vegas spreads in the 2022-2023 season

Unanimous.AI argues that swarms are able to amplify the collective intelligence of human groups to generate better decisions, forecasts, diagnoses, and business plans compared to individual experts. They have introduced a new platform called Thinkscape that interconnects people and LLMs to capture deep qualitative and quantitative insights.

In summary, swarm intelligence is seeing growing adoption and research interest in applications like military systems, edge computing, engineering optimization, and decision-making. The field is poised for significant market growth in the coming years. While mainstream sources cover high-level trends, academic and industry workshops, books and platforms offer a more in-depth look at the latest technical innovations in swarm AI happening around the globe.

[1] 24 Cutting-Edge Artificial Intelligence Applications in 2024
[2] Artificial Intelligence News - ScienceDaily
[3] The Most Useful Military Applications of AI in 2024 and Beyond
[4] 2024 Swarm Intelligence Market | Top Growing Regions and Growth ...
[5] Edge AI meets Swarm Intelligence workshop call for papers
[6] Innovations and Developments of Swarm Intelligence Applications
[7] Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Swarm ...
[9] Swarm AI Predicts one Blockbuster to Have an Explosive Oscar Night



Rob Tyrie
Grey Swan Guild

Founder, Grey Swan Guild. CEO Ironstone Advisory: Serial Entrepreneur: Ideator, Thinker, Maker, Doer, Decider, Judge, Fan, Skeptic. Keeper of Libraries