Uncertainty : The Movement — 20 Ways to Still Get Involved

Grey Swan Guild
Grey Swan Guild
Published in
8 min readJul 20, 2023

Just because our Uncertainty Playbook published, doesn’t mean we’re finished.

Most writers when they finish their respective books, get it out to the market and then get out of town, and start moving quickly to their next thing. Not us.

Our Uncertainty editorial, catalyst and community group are not satisfied with just treating our Uncertainty topic as the flavour of the summer. It has legs! We want to expound on it as one of the key unexplored forces of our times, extend it beyond the printed page and turn it into a movement.

The conversation is just getting started around Uncertainty. Here’s how to participate in it.

The Basics #1–5:

#1 Get The Uncertainty Book (it’s really good)

First things first, order our authoritative playbook on Uncertainty: Making sense of the world for better, bolder outcomes. It’s our maiden publication from Cygnus Publishing that has pulled together thirty+ all-star contributing authors and 410 pages of excellent, practitioner-friendly prose and solutions on uncertainty. Order the book here (in eReader and paperback formats).

Order the Uncertainty Book (Cygnus Publishing) https://www.amazon.com/Uncertainty-Making-Better-Bolder-Outcomes-ebook/dp/B0C7FG4ZPH/

#2 Discover The Making & Meaning of the Book

Ever thought about pulling together your own publishing venture? your own collaboration among 30+ authors? Find out our timelines, ambitions, success criteria, the what, the who, the context, the positioning, the key factoids, the outputs and what’s inside the book. Climb behind our curtain here.

Read the Making and Meaning Of Uncertainty: https://medium.com/@greyswanguild/the-making-meaning-of-uncertainty-the-opus-for-our-age-28d5341875b7

#3 Go Deeper on the Book at Cygnus Publishing

We have provided our hub for all things Uncertainty interesting under one roof, and are updating it all the time. See what happened and what’s next on our website. Click here.

Find out all things Uncertainty: https://www.greyswanguild.org/cygnuspublishing

#4 The Humble Request — Provide a Review

We know word of mouth is key when it comes to so many purchase categories — especially books. If you like our book, we would be grateful to hear about it. Provide a review of the book on Amazon, Goodreads, Library Thing, or wherever good books are reviewed.

#5 Become a Navigator of Uncertainty — Front Row

We started as a Guild, so we are more than comfortable building online communities. On our publishing venture and book Uncertainty, our VIP squadron of fans, contributors, collaborators and ambassadors is our Navigators of Uncertainty. Join our hyper-involved and wanting more front row. Find out things first, get access before others and gather exposure to opportunities others might not ever hear about, including our Navigators of Uncertainty summit in December. Become part of our crew here:

Join our Navigators of Uncertainty: https://bit.ly/uncertaintynavigators

The Extensions #6–10:

#6 Listen to our Uncertainty Podcast

Based on the eponymous book, Uncertainty The Podcast takes us into a range of thinking about one of the key drivers of human behavior, professional actions, marketplace decisions, technology futures and leadership mindsets — the unknown. In our podcast, we interview our editors, writers and special guests who go deep on uncertainty and help us navigate through it. We expect to be sixty episodes deep, listen to our collection here.

Check out our Podcast: https://www.greyswanguild.org/uncertaintypodcast

#7 Read and/or Author a Wild Card of Uncertainty

Just because our first edition book deadline is over doesn’t mean you can’t contribute your own quill still. We expect to collect fifty 750–1500 word extensions to our book of some of the best writers on the subject. Perhaps yours? Have a look and the invitation here.

Read and Contribute to our Wild Cards of Uncertainty Collection: https://www.greyswanguild.org/wildcardsofuncertainty

#8 Get Intimate — Join us on our Uncertainty Book Tour

We have plotted out 21 events in support of our Uncertainty book over the first seven months of launch. Get closer to the authors, meet special guests and go deeper on different aspects of our chapters and insights, Find out what’s next on our Tour schedule here.

Join us on our book tour: https://www.greyswanguild.org/uncertaintybooktour

#9 Observe More — The Uncertainty Weathervane

Chip in your intelligent observations on our Uncertainty Weathervane. We are exploring twelve+ further questions on uncertainty with our research and intelligence effort. Toplines will be shared with all contributing respondents. exclusive invitations will be sent only to respondents on our Premiere event in October. Take our 10 minute Uncertainty Weathervane survey here.

Take our Uncertainty Weathervane: https://www.greyswanguild.org/uncertainityweathervane

#10 Nominate the Best — the Uncertainty Hall of Fame

We are standing on the shoulders of giants. Plenty of great authors have explored some aspect of uncertainty previously. Let us know who. We will announce the finalists in October.

Get your nominations in: https://bit.ly/uncertaintyhalloffame

The Future #11–15:

#11 Learn, Relearn & Unclearn in our Guild Masterclass of Uncertainty

We will make you a master of change, risk, shifts and all elements of uncertainty with our Guild Masterclasses starting in October’23. Stay tuned.

#12 Attend our GSG Book Festival in November

On November 6th, our book Uncertainty will be the opening act of a 15+ author extravaganza. Don’t miss it on November 6th thru 8th, 2023.

#13 Geek out on our Compass & Compendium

Included in our Discovery chapter, is both a framework and springboard of a future Rosetta Stone for distilling knowledge and minting decisions. The web platform we’ll produce will be available in early 2024. If you are a master of frameworks, models, canvases and methods across fifteen core disciplines, we want you. If you want to become part of our scout team, join us July 27th early or July 27th late.

#14 Turn the page on 2023 — What’s Next, Uncertainty?

Discover innovative methods to navigate and embrace uncertainty, equipping you with the tools needed to confidently tackle whatever lies ahead. Prepare to unlock new perspectives and strategies for thriving in an ever-changing world in advance of 2024. Stay tuned for our agenda December 18th, 2023.

#15 The Uncertainty Book Club

Invest deeply in the contents of our book with a network of your peers. Stay tuned.

The Backdrop #16–20:

#16 Make Better Sense of The World — Join the Grey Swan Guild

Our global Guild which started all of this is now over 8,000 executive members deep and our mission os to make sense of the world’s biggest challenges and next Grey Swams 24/7/365. Check us out. Become an official member.

Join our global guild: https://bit.ly/gsgsmemberform

#17 Do Consulting Better, Bolder & Faster — Hire (or join) our on-demand consulting and advisory group Cygnus Sprints

We are disrupting the world of consulting with Cygnus Sprints. 5x the experience, 3x the value and 2x the speed of other peer consultancies.. Uncertainty (the book) provides our spin out consulting venture our playbook. Kick our tires here.

Disrupt what you think consulting and advisory should be: https://www.greyswanguild.org/cygnusprints

#18 The Publishing Sequel — Get involved in our next Cygnus Publishing publication wave

We loved our Uncertainty effort so much, we will push the ball up the hill again. Maybe we’ll author two books. First-time author? Veteran author? Doesn’t matter. Tuck under our venture and collaborate with some of the best people on our planet. The band gets back together in October, 2023. Join us. In the interim, join our Navigators of Uncertainty — see #5 above.

See Cygnus Publishing — Our Guild’s new venture: https://www.greyswanguild.org/cygnuspublishing

#19 Experiment and get involved with another Cygnus Venture

We have nine ventures beyond Cygnus Publishing that deliver sustainable value through: expert consulting, educating teens, hosting craft-building events, creating thought leadership, visualizing thoughts, providing a radar of foresight on the future, mustering a weathervane of intelligence on the present, airing a network of podcasts that scream smart and creating an operating system for the world. Consider becoming a thinker and a doer in one of our Cygnus Ventures.

Our spectrum of Cygnus Ventures: https://www.greyswanguild.org/cygnusventures

#20 Thought Leadership — Invite our editors/authors for an Executive Briefing, Workshop or Keynote

We’ve grown a little tired of what passes as thought leadership for practitioners. If you want some motivation or an added kick in the pants, you may need to hear from that astronaut, athlete or celeb, but if you are in charge of real business, teams, organizations and careers, we think you need something better and more relevant. Try our Cygnus Thoughtleaders. The V-formation is about to fly soon, with many of our Uncertainty authors.

Author: Sean Moffitt, Grey Swan Guild Founder and CEO, Cygnus Ventures

Cygnus Ventures (powered by Grey Swan Guild ) — Improving Our Craft Together

Now coming up to our 4th year of our Guild, we have built eleven ventures to tap into the enourmous value and reservoir of talent found inside the Guild.

Here’s what you can do in the Guild:

Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work. To get directly involved in any one of our 11 Cygnus Ventures (powered by the Grey Swan Guild) including producing or hoisting our Craft Building Series, click here.

Become a Cygnus venturist: https://www.greyswanguild.org/cygnusventures

Grey Swan Guild — Making Sense of the World and Next Grey Swans

We are the Guild whose mission it is to make sense of the world and next Grey Swans (wild cards, scenarios, early signals).

How we do is guided by our four values of: aspiration, collaboration, curiosity and purpose.

We do this through six facets of our world-leading Guild experience:

  • Intelligence and Foresight
  • Content and Publications
  • Events and Experiences
  • Training and Learning
  • Global Community and Network
  • Experiments and Ventures

In 2023, we don’t just want to think about the unimaginable but we want to make the unimaginable happen.

The Guild Hub: https://www.greyswanguild.org/



Grey Swan Guild
Grey Swan Guild

Making Sense of the World’s Biggest Challenges & Next Grey Swans — curating and creating knowledge through observation, informed futurism, and analysis🦢