Ankan Roy
Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2017


Anything that we do , we should be passionate about it and love it . Talking about coding , I would like to quote what Steve Jobs had said — “Everyone should learn how to code, it teaches you how to think” and hence coding becomes essential. Now to start with coding or to explore how to fall in love with coding , we have to understand different aspects of coding .

Definition of Code — To start with lets try to understand the definition of code in a very simple words — codes are the set of lines written in some language to make any electronic system alive and literate. To come up with an analogy from the real world , it would be like to make someone literate by teaching them about different languages and literature. Hence Coding is one of the way to teach machines about different languages (i.e. coding languages) and eventually make them literate , smart and intelligent.

Make up our mind — In order to have a proper mindset , we need to make our mind think that HUMANS are the one who build new and customize/modify tools. To enlighten this I would like to give one real example . “When I started coding my instructor told me to write a program of adding two numbers and the next moment a thought came to my mind that what is the point of writing it , I can take a calculator and get the result . By the time I wrote it just for the sake of my instructor I realized that I have wasted my 10 minutes (well it was a beginning stage) of my time just to write 10 lines of code, I can very well get the calculator and get the result with in few seconds.” So the point that I want to make is that , we have to decide whether we really want to be within those groups who actually build tools or with those groups who just use the tools.

Fascinate about the outcomes of Coding — We should get fascinated by looking at machines that we see in our day to day life. Fascination will grow interest and eventually help to look deep into it.

Micro Level or step by step Thinking — Micro level or step by step thinking is the most essential part of coding and this becomes a differentiating factor with other persons or coders.Suppose we have to write a code on adding two numbers, it’s very essential to think at a micro level like storing values in two variables and then adding and storing the sum to other variable .All we need to understand that we need to store something first, second is the operation and again store , skipping any of these steps will not fulfill our purpose of writing codes .

These aspects will make you feel brave enough to code, as many of us do not code or do not like to code because we are scared of coding . Hence when we start understanding these aspects that I have mentioned above , will help you to grow interest on coding and you will start making your hands dirty.The day when we start realizing or start believing coding as not a task/job and more of a craft/art , then that will be the time where we have really start loving coding . Just imagine or see how a craftsmen craft there model or an artist draw every detail of there work with so much of passion,sincerity and of course love. In a similar way coders who love coding write , format code , make it beautiful to look like putting relevant comments , proper indentation etc like an artist.

So just feel what we are doing and there is an immense level of satisfaction after building a tool by your own . So love coding and be passionate about it.

