4 Best Books For Struggling Entrepreneurs

Must read books for any entrepreneur going through difficult times

GREY Journal Staff
5 min readDec 24, 2019


Every entrepreneur has had struggles and challenges he or she had to face. Naturally, we are more susceptible to failures, financial burden, heartbreak, and more. The life of an entrepreneur isn’t easy, by any means. All of the hard work, misery, doubt, and setbacks eventually pay off! If you’re currently in a position where you’re doubting yourself, failing miserably, running out of money, or anything else is causing a struggle, these books will help you through your difficult times. Keep your head up, stay confident, and slay!

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight entrepreneur book
Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

This is one of my all time favorite books! It starts off a little slow for my liking, but it picks up quick enough. Phil tells his life story from the point just before he starts his life as an entrepreneur to the point where his net worth is $10 billion. It talks about the ridiculous struggles he had and the multi-million dollar obstacles he and his team had to overcome. Phil talks about the early days of entrepreneurship and selling Tiger brand shoes. He speaks highly of the people that joined his Nike team. The book goes into depth about the role that each of them played in achieving success.

Phil is quite the writer and it shows in this book! He does a very good job capturing the reader’s attention. His ability to explain how he felt in certain situations is second to none. The entire book is inspiring, to say the least. He was millions in debt, failing to secure loans, and losing his mind. Phil and his Nike team made the hard decision to “go public”. The following morning as Nike stock was presented to the world, he was almost instantly worth $125 million. Toward the end of the book, you’ll be in tears as he talks about one of his sons. Then, you’ll have goosebumps as he talks about walking out of a movie theater to casually meet Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. If you want a humbling story about what a great entrepreneur had to go through in order to achieve success, this book if for you!


Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki entrepreneur book
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

This book isn’t really about struggling as an entrepreneur, but it will help you mentally if you are. If you haven’t read this book already, you’re missing out. If you have, I’d suggest reading it again. Robert talks about his real dad who has a PHD and extensive education, but is broke (poor dad). He then talks about his friend’s dad who has minimal scholastic education, but grows to be one of the wealthiest men in Hawaii (rich dad).

The difference between the two men was their financial education. Robert decided to take his rich dad’s advice and became a millionaire pretty quickly with his first business. He then went on to lose all of his money. The next time around, he started over and made better decisions. Robert is known for his financial education and for teaching thousands of people about the importance of having the right mindset. Today, Robert owns over 8,000 rental units and is a multi-millionaire. This New York Times best seller is a definite must for a struggling entrepreneur! It will help get your mind in the right place.


The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received by Donald Trump

The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received by Donald Trump entrepreneur book
The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received by Donald Trump

This is definitely the odd book out in this lineup. I know what you’re thinking. “What does a book about real estate have anything to do with a struggling entrepreneur?”. Quick answer, it really doesn’t. I added this book to the list because it gives really solid advice from several different real estate investors and will get your head in the right place. This is a Trump book, but it’s actually a bunch of advice from other people.

Like I said, this book won’t necessarily help you get out of the struggle that you’re going through, but it’ll open your mind to real estate investing. This book has such good advice that I’m willing to say that you’ll be taking notes and not worrying about your struggle. If you want to learn about real estate investing and what some of the giants of the industry have to say about it, this book is for you!


From Nothing To Something by James Wilson II

From Nothing To Something by James Wilson II entrepreneur book
From Nothing To Something by James Wilson II

Yes, I’m plugging my own book. I wrote this book to inspire people to be their best. From Nothing To Something is my autobiography and explains the hardships I had to endure in my childhood. The struggles were different in adulthood, but they were still present. This book teaches the reader about how anyone can overcome and achieve, no matter what they’ve been through and what they’ve been told. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what your background is. You can be great!

The back cover of the book reads: From Nothing to Something is the inspiring story of James Wilson II. James is as transparent as it gets in this tale of chaos, hurt, failure, love, and success. This is not just another “rags to riches” story. Although James grew up poor, he had to endure and overcome both physical and mental abuse to get where he is today. The first two sentences in the book read “My very first memory of life is being molested by my dad. I was two years old.” This book is about his life and struggles, but the purpose of it is to show everyone that anything is possible with the right mindset. James dedicated his life to his dreams and did whatever it took to achieve them. If you have ever had to struggle or overcome, From Nothing to Something was written for you!


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy!

Have anymore book suggestions for entrepreneurs who are struggling right now? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal: https://discovergrey.com/learn/4-best-books-for-struggling-entrepreneurs/



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.