5 Strategies For Workplace Communication That Will Make You A Better Leader

You have to listen in order to be heard

GREY Journal Staff
4 min readNov 9, 2021


Communication is a crucial part of every efficient team. Besides being used to convey and send a message, communication is the best way to build relationships and maintain high productivity within a workplace. However, not everyone has adequate communication skills. That can lead to misunderstanding, unfriendliness, and even a hostile environment! How can you prevent that?

Both, you and your team, need to work on your communication skills. The easiest way of improving workplace communication is by implementing strategies that will help you understand others and be understood. Such strategies are known to improve workplace effectiveness, bond, and productivity. So, which are the mentioned strategies?

Make Rules as a Team

Team meeting to discuss communication in restaurant
Team meeting to discuss communication in restaurant

Each company and organization have their own rules they go by. They are usually created by the top management or human resources department. However, if you run a smaller business, consider including your team in the rule-making process. Why would that be important?

When you include your team while deciding on the important questions, rules, and regulations, they will feel more valued. Plus, making rules as a team will improve your workplace communication and help you get to know your employees better. This is especially crucial for small teams working remotely, as they don’t meet up in person very often. Once you make the rules together, they are more likely to follow them as they are the ones who set them up!

Be Assertive

Having essential communication skills is a crucial part of being a good leader. Every tactical leader is a good communicator, which includes being assertive. What is assertiveness and how do you achieve that?

Not everyone is lucky to have had a rich social life. However, you can always take up a course and learn how to get your point across. On top of that, assertiveness can also help you achieve your main goals as a business. If you set strict boundaries and assign clear tasks to your team, chances are they will productively work on their assignments! So, if you learn how to be assertive, you’re one step closer to being a great team leader and improving communication at the workplace.

Create a Trustworthy Atmosphere

Coworkers working on team building exercises outside office
Coworkers working on team building exercises outside office

If your goal is to improve workplace communication, you need to consider the aspects of communication, such as openness. How openly are your employees willing to communicate with you and each other? To spark up honest communication, you need to create a trustworthy atmosphere, where they will feel comfortable to share what they truly think.

Keep in mind that creating such an atmosphere takes a lot of time and patience. The first thing you need to do is be honest yourself. If your employees feel like they can trust you, they will freely express their opinions and feelings that can contribute to the work.

Facilitate Communication through Tools

Reaching out to all of your employees at the same time might be difficult, especially if you run a remote team. That’s why using technology and different tools to facilitate communication is the best possible solution. Since people nowadays rarely check their emails, consider using online platforms that offer much more than a simple chat!

During work hours, for most managers, it’s important to be able to reach their team at all times. So, opt for online tools that will improve employee communication and make workforce organization easier for you. On top of that, such tools offer increased employee engagement, which results in efficiency, motivation, and productivity.

Feedback Opportunities Are Essential

Providing and receiving feedback might be the most important aspect of communication in one’s career! So, frequently organizing meetings and 1:1 talks with your employees will improve your work relationship and your job.

Since communication is one of the biggest workplaces obstacles, once you learn how to tackle it and get it out of your way, you’ll easily manage your employees. Learn how to give adequate feedback, not criticism, and listen to your employees’ feedback as well. Such communication is greatly beneficial for the entire organization!

These communication strategies will help you improve the relationships with your employees and colleagues, as well as keep your business under control. Since communication is such an important part of our lives, teaching your employees these tricks as well will improve their job satisfaction and loyalty, which will minimize fluctuation. The stronger the team, the stronger the business!

What are some other ways to communicate effectively as a leader? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal: https://greyjournal.net/hustle/grow/5-strategies-for-workplace-communication-that-will-make-you-a-better-leader/



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.