February 2020 Career Horoscope

What’s in store for your career this month?

GREY Journal Staff
6 min readFeb 3, 2020


Do you need reassurance or guidance when it comes to the next steps to take regarding your entrepreneurial endeavors? Take a look at your horoscope forecast for this month and don’t forget to check your moon and rising sign as well!

Business owner checking February 2020 career horoscope on phone
Business owner checking February 2020 career horoscope on phone

Fire Signs

Aries: The Ram (March 21 — April 19)

Aries career horoscope
Aries career horoscope

What do you need to release? Perhaps it’s negativity or a grudge. Both of them will prevent you from moving forward in life and achieving your goals so spend time with these feelings. A situation has peaked, for better or worse. Reflect on how you can do things differently. Even if you don’t like where you are right now, accept it. It does not mean you’re happy with it, it just means that you accept it.

Leo: The Lion (July 23 — August 22)

Leo career horoscope
Leo career horoscope

Believe in the possible and understand that confidence is your key to success. You should weigh of all your options and research before making important business decisions. Nothing is yet set in stone and you should remain as adaptable as possible. Don’t fear the unknown.

Sagittarius: The Archer (November 22 — December 21)

Sagittarius career horoscope
Sagittarius career horoscope

It’s time to take action. Prioritize self-reflection and self-evaluation as it will lead you to change aspects of your life for the better. Writing and speaking may come easily to you, so you should take advantage of these natural talents because people will understand your message. A mentor or someone who can help you expand your career may come into your life soon.

Air Signs

Gemini: The Twins (May 21 — June 20)

Gemini career horoscope
Gemini career horoscope

You are going through a great transformation. You may look back and wish you were a kid again with little responsibility. Connect with your inner child and do something fun and lighthearted. Take a break from work and ground yourself with exercise or a walk. It’s important to remember that your hard work is paying off and a new start is coming.

Libra: The Scales (September 23 — October 22)

Libra career horoscope
Libra career horoscope

The answers you need are coming. If a business or an idea is not working out, do not fight it. Dramas and upsets seem to be all around you. Remain objective. Good contracts or commitments will be made soon. Expect positive legal outcomes and know that you will get what you deserve for the better.

Aquarius: The Water Bearer (January 20 — February 18)

Aquarius career horoscope
Aquarius career horoscope

Have faith in your dreams. Embrace your unconventional ideas. It’s a good idea to pursue a business partnership as it will be completely successful. You may also want to become more organized and you should do this by writing down what you need to do such as making a checklist or writing your thoughts and ideas down.

Water Signs

Cancer: The Crab (June 21 — July 22)

Cancer career horoscope
Cancer career horoscope

You need to release a certain aspect of your life that’s holding you back. Is it a job? A relationship (platonic or romantic)? Are you clinging to a job or person because it feels safe even though it’s no longer serving you? Maybe it’s a thought form that’s keeping you stuck. Show the world the real you. Release whatever it may be for you and receive the wonderful opportunity from the universe when it arrives.

Pisces: The Fish (February 19 — March 20)

Pisces career horoscope
Pisces career horoscope

This month is about following your creative urges and balancing your personal needs with the needs of those around you. You’ll be brimming with ideas this month and you should create a practical plan to bring them to life. This is a time to be more emotional than logical. Follow your intuition by those nudges you feel in your gut.

Scorpio: The Scorpion (October 23 — November 21)

Don’t let your past hold you back, Scorpions. Abundance is waiting for you. If you are questioning if you are on the right path, the answer is yes, you are. You’ve experienced financial loss and thunderous times and now it’s now time to enjoy happier times. You’ve been through the storm which means the sun is awaiting you. You’ll be better equipped to handle the obstacles life presents you with now. A win-win outcome is forecast.

Earth Signs

Virgo: The Virgin (August 23 — September 22)

Virgo career horoscope
Virgo career horoscope

You may feel your natural ability to lead this month more than ever and your talents may have you in the spotlight. If you’re not already there, you will be soon. Have patience when it comes to seeing your results in physical form. Your manifestations may not happen overnight, but they will in the near future. Make sure you don’t feed into the imposter syndrome thoughts because you are worthy of success and your actions will help people.

Capricorn: The Goat (December 22 — January 19)

Capricorn career horoscope
Capricorn career horoscope

Plenty of opportunities lie ahead and if you’re wondering if something is going to successful, the answer is YES! Something very exciting is making its way to you. You are good enough so do not second guess yourself. This month’s mantra to say daily is, “What’s meant for me will not pass me.”

Taurus: The Bull (April 20 — May 20)

Taurus career horoscope
Taurus career horoscope

It’s time to review your goals. Do you want something different than what you originally thought you did? Don’t worry about the outcome if you decide to change courses. You will be successful in whatever you choose. You can create the life you desire with your thoughts, so focus on the reality you want be a part of. You feel drawn to specific choices because they are meant for you. Practice the mantra, “I know I’m headed in the right direction.”

Did you find your February 2020 career horoscope prediction helpful? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal: https://discovergrey.com/play/learn-culture/february-2020-career-horoscope/



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.