Here Are The 5 Best Dog Breeds For Entrepreneurs

Brighten up your day and your office with any of these great companions

GREY Journal Staff
5 min readJul 29, 2020


“They say money can buy anything. Sure, it can. However, the love I want to see for myself in someone’s eyes is rare. Where can I find pure and real love? Someone who appreciates my existence as a human without rolling eyes at my banks’ balances and business.”

“Well, how about a tail-wagger?”

“Sorry? Who?”

“Why don’t you get a dog?”

*Laughs out loud* “Do you really think an entrepreneur can afford to get a dog? I am in either in-person or virtual meetings nearly 24/7. How can it be disciplined? What if he barks? O’ my repute!”

“Then find the best dog for entrepreneurs.”

When you get back home from a long and hectic day, having someone happily greet you upon your arrival is a big deal; this takes all stress away. Dogs make your adrenaline level stable to the extent that most dog lovers often feel like taking them to the office.

While employees cannot do that, an entrepreneur can. You may have made a “no dogs allowed” rule for your workers as a boss, but you can do them a favor. Just like the duty of supervision, you also have the responsibility to make them work wholeheartedly. That is possible only via smiles. A dog’s presence makes the office environment less stressful and takes your company to new heights.

Bring a dog for yourself and make him act as one-for-all.

Whether you are getting a project briefing in the conference room or having a Zoom meeting, the only thing that matters is discipline. All you need is the right dog.

How to Choose — Tips and Tricks

A dog jumping up onto a laptop while an entrepreneur is hustling
A dog jumping up onto a laptop while an entrepreneur is hustling

Before stepping into any project or transaction, thorough research is necessary for any entrepreneur. In choosing a dog, you need to take the following steps:

Taking advice from your circle

Inquire your fellow entrepreneurs about the best dog for entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences.

The top three

Choose the top three breeds that you think are going to fit your nature and lifestyle.


Do detailed research regarding the said breeds and make quick notes.


Knowing about the lifespan of breeds needs to be a top priority.

Say no to “cry” babies

Focus on what breeds do not require lots of time and attention and learn quickly how to respect privacy.

The ancestors chart matter

Look for breeds that have strong genes and do not require much healthcare.


If you’re into fitness, make sure to check the said breeds’ fitness and walkability to ensure it can keep up with you.

A calm nature

The aggressiveness of breeds determines whether a dog can be taken to the workplace or not. An entrepreneur has to meet lots of people every day. Customers and clients frequently come and go from their office. Even when they do Zoom meetings, dogs for entrepreneurs must remain calm while hearing a stranger’s voice.

A dog friendly office

Along with your comfort, the comfort of your dog also matters. You need to pet-proof your office and make it dog-friendly. We do not mean you need to bring in lots of balls, toys, or treats with you in your office, but a dog should have a comfortable place to relax while you’re on the grind.

A mini dog-door and a dog-hair vacuum cleaner are both essential to keeping the office accessible and clean.

Choose one

Multiple dogs can be hard for an entrepreneur to handle. Look over the notes you made during your research and carefully choose one dog that best suits your entrepreneurial personality.

Top Five Dogs for Entrepreneurs

Dog jumping onto entrepreneur in home office
Dog jumping onto entrepreneur in home office

Pit Bull

This breed is very notorious for its aggressive nature; however, there is always a reason behind that aggressiveness. Not all owners are the same. Not all owners show love. Some of them are ill-intentioned and use this breed for fights. They train them to the extent that their aggressiveness becomes uncontrolled.

Because an entrepreneur is free from all such ill-intentions, a gentle, graceful, and non-attention-seeking breed like a pit bull is a great addition to the office. The best part is they are not going to leave layers of fur on your coat because they are short-haired.


This breed has been utilized as service animals for ages due to their obedience. They have very sharp intelligence, calmness, and an easy-going attitude.

This is why they are considered as one of the top dogs for entrepreneurs. They are not possessive regarding their owner and easily let employees and fellow entrepreneurs come and go out of the office.


The lifespan of this breed is considered to be the longest. They are so small that they can fit in your purse or be hidden in your desk drawer. In short, they do not take lots of space in your office and will hardly appear in the background while you are in a Zoom meeting.


This breed does not bark at every little sound or movement. Like chihuahuas, they do not take lots of space. They have a very friendly nature and will quickly become friends with your employees.

German Shepherd

When looking for a dog, proper training is essential. That’s why an entrepreneur looks for a highly trainable breed. Along with fierce loyalty, smartness runs in veins of German Shepherd. They are extremely disciplined and do not require constant attention or praise. They are also great guards.

Warning: they have such a wonderful charisma that the attention of people entering your office is going to revolve around them.

Wrapping Up!

A dog running along the seashore under blue sky and white clouds
A dog running along the seashore under blue sky and white clouds

Dogs not only work as stress killers for you, but their presence is a joy for everyone at the office. They will bring smiles to your employees’ faces, which is what gives your workers lots of energy.

Lots of energy means lots of input. Lots of input means lots of progress.

What is your favorite breed of dog for entrepreneurs? Let us know in the comments!

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal:



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.