How Moon Magic Is Empowering Women With Eco-Conscious Jewelry

Meet Moon Magic, a company that’s making waves in the jewelry industry and planting trees in their wake

GREY Journal Staff
3 min readMar 6, 2020


At Moon Magic, responsible entrepreneurism means more than simply supplying women with pretty shiny things. Moon Magic loves the joy and beauty that their jewelry brings to the lives of their customers, and they know that doing business today means keeping an eye on the bigger picture too.

Moon Magic: More than Pretty Shiny Things

Woman wearing Moon Magic jewelry
Woman wearing Moon Magic jewelry

From apparel to consumer electronics to home decor, every product is going to have an impact on the environment. Where the raw materials come from, what kind of emissions are created from manufacturing and shipping, and what the item’s end of life cycle looks like are all factors businesses must consider. While still vastly imperfect as an environmental model, the Moon Magic is proudly joining thought leaders and fellow progressive-minded brands in taking more responsibility for an ecological and social footprint.

Like many of their customers, they take great care of Mother Earth and acknowledge that gemstones and precious metals come from the earth. For them, mineral exploration is an unavoidable component of doing business. Though only a small step towards a more sustainable jewelry industry, it was this realization that inspired them to launch their tree planting program.

Moon Magic takes pride in working with authentic and natural stones while paying close attention to the details. The design provides a balance between modern and timeless aesthetics that will bring a little magic to anyone wearing a piece or two. Sparkling gemstones and crystals and their feminine line can brighten up any outfit or mood.

Trees for the Future

Heart shape cut out in hedges
Heart shape cut out in hedges

For every piece of Moon Magic jewelry sold, the company sponsors a tree through the planting partner Trees for the Future. Since their foundation in 2017, they have planted more than a quarter of a million trees while helping to bolster economic and social opportunities in areas affected by deforestation. Anyone could go to a nursery and purchase seedlings to plant, but the boots on the ground humanitarian work, passion, and expertise that Trees for the Future brings to the table are invaluable. At the end of the day, they are in the jewelry business, so teaming up with a well-respected organization that’s been around since 1989 helped them meet social and environmental goals they strived to achieve.

Trees for the future is a well-organized team that plans and plants trees in most affected areas. By planting trees, the organization helps not only Mother Earth, but it also helps agriculture and small farmers. Providing families with sustainable food resources by planting fruit trees, hardwood, and food crops. Helping them increase their annual income with products to sell and fuelwood.

An Environmentally Conscious Choice for Precious Jewelry

Landscape of plantation fields and mountains from Franschhoek Pass, South Africa
Landscape of plantation fields and mountains from Franschhoek Pass, South Africa

By doing a part to tip the scales, Moon Magic is enabling customers to purchase jewelry they’ll love for years to come while supporting a great cause. The company is compelled to give back as their jewelry brand continues to grow, and are getting great feedback from their community. If this brand can empower women to feel good, look good, and do good all at once, that can be considered as a win.

What do you think about Moon Magic’s mission to help the earth with Trees for the Future? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal:



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.