How Stephon Marbury’s Affordable Shoes Inspire Philanthropy

An NBA All-Star’s dream about fashion and philanthropy

GREY Journal Staff
3 min readFeb 28, 2020


It’s just an enjoyable nuance of being human. Everyday when we transition from sub-consciousness to consciousness, we have a task to complete. Upon completing whatever task that might’ve appealed to our psyche, a sense of relief is attached. “Goal accomplished”, is a sensation engendered when we finish something as small as decorating ourselves with our daily clothing. This primary goal must be complete in order to conduct business with humans — unless of course you live in a nudist colony. As humans, we eventually set goals that are much larger, and take a bit more effort to accomplish.

Powerful Figures in History

Basketball player looking up at hoop
Basketball player looking up at hoop

Herstory and history documents are powerful, and if you take the time to review what our ancestors have accomplished to date, it will give you a sense of motivation. It certainly does for me. Rather it’s the story of the most awesome, Queen Boudicca and her genius strategies fighting against the Roman Empire, or the brave Harriet Tubman who took action to ensure that the injustices of her day were opposed. When pressure attaches itself, humans accomplish. Mary Baker Eddy’s manifesto, via her book science and health was written in the nineteenth century, yet holds knowledge that isn’t fully comprehended today.

Stephon Marbury and the American Dream

Stephon Marbury wearing Beijing Ducks jersey
Stephon Marbury wearing Beijing Ducks jersey

Former NBA player Stephon Marbury exemplifies the American Dream. Growing up in Brooklyn and drafted by the Timberwolves in 1996, he became a 2x NBA All-Star over his thirteen-year career. In our awesome country, opportunity and freedom display their powers every day. Stephon’s empathy and sentiment toward the righteous human cause is what sparked this particular light. The particular light I write about is the one that focuses on helping others on this planet we all share.

Stephen Marbury set a goal. He wanted to see kids who might not yet have the opportunity to possess awesome basketball shoes, possess them. This goal Mr. Marbury accomplished. There’s no way to measure the happiness that Mr. Stephon Marbury brought to so many people. However, I assure you that just one story of a child who was able to purchase quality, celebrity endorsed basketball shoes because Mr. Marbury helped make it possible is enough for the world.

Starbury’s Affordable Basketball Shoes

Orange Starbury shoes
Orange Starbury shoes

The initial date of August 17th, 2006 was when Mr. Marbury’s awesome, and I must add philanthropic, basketball shoes were introduced to consumers. At a time when Air Jordans were selling for over a hundred dollars, Marbury partnered with Steve and Barry’s to release a high-quality celebrity endorsed sneaker for $14.98. The “Starbury” is still in production to this very day, and Stephon’s success is immense. So immense, in fact, that to properly apprise my fellow readers of the many feats that he has overcome would take a book per category. Currently, he is head coach for the Beijing Royal Fighters in the Chinese Basketball Association. His many accomplishments in the U.S. and abroad act as evidence to so prove the beauty and endurance of a righteous cause.

Do you think Stephon Marbury is accomplishing his dream with Starbury shoes? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal:



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.