How Technology is Helping Support Us During COVID-19

Building ventilators and helping us stay connected

GREY Journal Staff
4 min readMay 9, 2020


Technology companies are always looking to drive the economy with innovative solutions that increase their profits. It’s their way of gaining the trustworthiness of users that are often desperate for answers and solutions to fast-changing needs. Technology companies cannot wait for market conditions to improve or outside factors to become controlled, along with the devastation that coronavirus has brought about in society.

Companies pivoting to ventilator production

Man being helped with breathing in an ambulance
Man being helped with breathing in an ambulance

Coronavirus is not a new trend in terms of product development. Technology companies know that it would be rude and badly received to prove otherwise. Whether or not the technology itself competes in this regard is a different story.

Many technology companies are starting to pitch in when it comes to creating more ventilators. Technology companies are better able to stick with developing wireless or Internet communication and entertainment devices on consumer-based platforms. Pivoting such technology outside of dire emergencies is inappropriate and an unfortunate reminder that it has taken attention away from basic human safety.

Signals and data have largely replaced what was once known as conversation or feedback. Technology should be able to make sense of things in the long run; however, the pandemic has created a terrifying shortage of much needed medical equipment that gives no time or regard for any opinion from market stakeholders. Lives are in the hands of the technology itself, now more than ever.

Using data to determine future care

Person holding a pen and looking over data
Person holding a pen and looking over data

It may seem intrusive, at best, but data insights are important for companies that care about their users. Otherwise, it would be a privacy issue. Feedback is a healthy component of technology businesses and still worth pursuing. There is a high value for overall data perception, or better yet, an absolute growing need for data that serves as evidence for well-monitored patient care.

This means that carefully designed technical aspects of ventilator products will serve as hand-in-hand replacements for otherwise unavailable medical help. These technical developers must now work with medical professionals, or even robot inventors, regularly to produce equipment that answers to no foreseeable end of need with an unfamiliar and uncertain future. Even the emergency based approach to creating ventilators should prove fiscally successful in the long run; the associated brands will continue to benefit from other more generalized markets somehow through higher recovery rates alone.

Bridging the isolation gap

Two people having a video chat and wearing surgical masks
Two people having a video chat and wearing surgical masks

Customers are the reason most technology businesses exist, though such businesses do not always depend upon customers to define company-wide culture or moral value. There is little obvious reason to pay attention if such a business is living up to its altruistic goals without the intended expansion of sales or greater social reach. Technology companies are being put to the ultimate test by choosing to continue improving users’ lifestyles and offer perhaps their last route to survival.

Regular or seeded income is enough for these companies to continue established practices and indirectly flow into other areas of market reach anyway. This is a fundamental reason technology proves helpful during isolating crises. Full social exclusion is impossible unless a technology business becomes strategized by its newer medically focused equipment.

Consumers are willing to adapt to change and spend their hard-earned money on the latest technology trend; this is unlikely to change much during the coronavirus epidemic. Technology can take a lot of credit for bridging the social gap during these uncertain times of quarantine. This will end in higher profits if companies are willing to take risks and prove they are down for the added challenge of keeping life interesting. Technology should improve our overall ability to deal with greater isolation, and this is a fundamental aspect of going head-to-head with coronavirus.

What do you think about the role technology companies play in the COVID-19 crisis? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal:



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.