The Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

It’s like exercise for your brain

GREY Journal Staff
3 min readJun 20, 2019


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Intermittent fasting is when you skip your first meal in the morning and eat at 12pm. The idea is to fast until noon and eat your last meal at 8pm. Fasting for 16 hours has significant health benefits on your body. I know you’re wondering if your beloved coffee is included in this type of fasting — it is. Avoid coffee until noon. It’s important to stay hydrated when intermittent fasting. Drinking lemon water upon waking up is a good idea as it helps with digestion.

The Benefits

Woman eating healthy while practicing intermittent fasting
Woman eating healthy while practicing intermittent fasting

Weight Loss

It improves metabolic health which makes you burn more calories. Most people will notice the difference instantly around their abdominal region. Belly fat, or visceral fat, is known to link to heart disease and cancer. Intermittent fasting can help with this potential health issue.

Enhanced Cellular Energy

Fasting activates pathways that stimulate cells to repair themselves. Cells that are older than others are rejuvenated with a fast.

Strengthens Immune System

The body will get rid of unwanted material during a fast. It will release excess body fat and cellular debris. White blood cells are located in the immune system that protect the body from disease. White blood cells are forced to be rejuvenated during a fast which will improve their function long-term.

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is linked to type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disorders, Alzheimer’s, and autoinflammatory disorders. BHB (beta-hydroxybutyrate) is produced when you fast which inhibits inflammation.

Balance Blood Sugar

Man testing blood sugar level after intermittent fasting
Man testing blood sugar level after intermittent fasting

People with diabetes will benefit from intermittent fasting. It will even prevent the risk of getting diabetes. The body will respond better to its natural insulin. It also makes the body burn fat rather than sugar which will slow diabetes.

Normalizes Hunger Hormone

Your hunger cues will normalize. You won’t eat out of boredom or overeat. Your body will crave food when you are hungry and in need of nutrients.

Enhances Learning and Memory

Fasting has positive benefits on your brain as well. It improves the plasticity of the brain’s neurons which allow signals to pass from one neuron to the next. Synapses are key to the brain’s function. They are found when nerve cells connect with other nerve cells. This promotes healing of the brain from stroke or other traumatic damage. It increases alertness, mood, and improves focus by eliminating mental fog.

Whether you practice intermittent fasting every day or a few days a week, you will notice a positive difference in mental clarity, not having the urge to overeat, and feeling more energetic throughout the day. Give it a try!

What are you experiences with intermittent fasting? Let us know down in the comments.

This article was originally published by GREY Journal.



GREY Journal Staff

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