Top 8 Ways To Find And Evaluate Writers For Your Business In 2022

Why written content will bring in business

GREY Journal Staff
4 min readNov 19, 2021


Is your business struggling to produce enough content consistently? If this is the case, the answer might be to hire a content writer. This saves you from the time-consuming task of writing the content yourself. It also frees up your time to focus on ways to grow your business instead. If you’ve decided hiring a writer is a good fit for your content strategy, here are eight ways to find the right writer for your content needs.

Ask for Samples

Writing samples are one of the best ways to assess a writer’s skill level. A quick skim of their writing is enough to evaluate whether or not their skill level is a good match for the type of content you want them to create for your business.

“Instead of asking for just any writing samples, request only the most relevant samples,” advises Howard Storm, a blogger at Lia Help and EliteAssignmentHelp. “This allows you to better determine if their writing style is suitable for your business and content strategy.”

Asking for relevant writing samples also helps you identify writers that have experience producing content in your particular niche. This can help you better decide which writer can take your content production to the next level.

Consider Writing Services

If you don’t want to go through the process of hiring and vetting a freelance writer yourself, a good alternative is to use a writing service. Services such as Paper Fellows, Boomessays, and State Of Writing have many experienced content writers.

Hiring a content writer from a writing service increases the chances of finding a writer with experience writing in your niche. If you don’t have the time to evaluate writers yourself, you might want to consider using a writing service.

Decide Your Budget

Freelance writer writing for business blog
Freelance writer writing for business blog

Before hiring a freelance writer, it’s important to decide how much you’re willing to spend on content. This also helps to narrow down your search. You might find a writer who’s the perfect fit for your content strategy needs, but their rates are too high for your business.

To avoid this issue, it would be wise to decide your budget beforehand. This helps you find the right writer for the right price.

Determine the Type of Content Your Target Audience Likes

Chances are, you know exactly who your audience is and the type of content they voraciously consume. When choosing a writer, consider their writing voice and tone. Would their writing engage your target audience?

“Depending on your business and the type of content you hope to consistently produce, a certain writing style will typically perform best among your audience,” according to Dee Lawson, a writer at Essayroo and Bigassignments. “Although guidelines and content briefs help tremendously, some writing styles — and thus, some writers — are more likely to connect with your readers.”

Check Their Reviews

Another way to evaluate potential content writers for your business is by reading reviews. If you decide to hire a writer from a writing service, it’s important to check online reviews of that service. You can easily check reviews using sites such as Revieweal, Simplegrad, and Uktopwriters.

On the other hand, if you chose the freelancer route, almost every single freelancing website offers reviews from their previous clients. If you sourced the freelancer yourself, you could ask them for any available referrals.

Choose a Writer Familiar with SEO

Freelance writer typing on laptop
Freelance writer typing on laptop

If your goal is to ultimately grow your business through consistent content, it certainly helps if that content is optimized for search engines. Writers who are familiar with SEO writing might be a better fit for your content strategy.

Search engine optimized content allows your business to reach new potential customers and expand its audience. While writers can easily learn to incorporate SEO practices in their writing, it’s up to you to decide if you want a writer who already developed this skill.

Gage Their Communication Style

Depending on how involved you want to be in the content creation process, it’s a good idea to hire a writer that matches your preferred communication frequency. If you want a writer who checks in often and sends their progress throughout their writing process, specify that when evaluating writers.

This reduces the chances of a mismatch. By specifying your communication needs, you can save both yourself and writers who prefer less involvement from their clients a lot of time.

Create a Trial Article

An excellent way to confirm whether or not a writer is suitable for the content you hope to produce is to devise a trial article. This gives both you and the freelancer a chance to determine if they are a good match for the project.

Trial articles can help you evaluate everything from their skill level, writing style, and research skills. This is a great way to test the relationship before committing to it.

When it comes to content creation, it’s no secret that consistency is key. A content writer can help you generate content consistently to help meet your content strategy goals and grow your business. In the event that you decide to hire a content writer, consider using these strategies to help you find the best possible writer.

Have any more tips on finding writers for your business? Let us know down in the comments.

This article originally published on GREY Journal.

This article originally published on GREY Journal:



GREY Journal Staff

Founded in 2016, GREY is a lifestyle brand and magazine that celebrates the leaders and entrepreneurs disrupting their industries.