Why Digital Property Management Inspections Make You More Productive

Andreea Serb
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2017


The property inspection process remains one of the main responsibilities for many management companies out there. While the process itself is essential, it is safe to say that a great deal of time is spent conducting these inspections.

Property inspections are usually done by the brokers, owners, property managers and other support staff who need to get an accurate accountability of the property’s condition. This helps coordinate any necessary repairs and things to fix before renting out the property.

How does a property inspection work?

First, how does a property inspection work? Traditional property management inspections are typically done with a clipboard, pen, and a digital camera — a classic method used by most companies out there.

While this not only is an outdated way to undertake a property inspections, but it takes a great deal of time as well as does not allow the property management company to be as efficient and flexible.

The old way of property management inspection is becoming more and more archaic. Today, property management inspection software is changing the way brokers and property managers are able to provide value to property owners.

A great property management app will allow you to easily combine clipboard, paper, pens, digital camera into one easy to use software and mobile app.

property management

A professional property inspection determines if there is anything that needs to be fixed and uncovers any serious problems with the property.

Being aware of problems up front ensures that you have an idea of the cost of repairs before committing to the next step. Don’t forget, a thorough digital property inspection will save you time and money in the long run.

Prevent issues from occurring

property management

As a property manager, you can take a step further and start implementing a system that will save you time and money for many future projects ahead.

With inspection reports and maintenance reminders, a property management app helps you stay up to date on the repairs needed so that you can manage your properties in a way that prevents problems from occurring.

Manage existing issues easily

property management

If your client needs to quickly fix an issue, as a property manager you can encourage them to communicate their concerns to you. You can save and store your clients’ data and information in the property inspection software to better organise yourself for future problem-solving situations.

It’s cost-effective

property managemet

When a property inspection is more automated, you can spend your time focusing on other important projects as well such as growing your business and marketing your properties online.

When you have a simple, automated way to send out invoices, pay bills, and send out payment reminders, your financial management becomes easier, and you’ll plug some of the holes that may have been left open in the past, such as late payments or unpaid security deposits.

Any good property inspector will make use of a property inspection app while thoroughly conducting the inspection, so the inspection will be professional and save you precious time.

In the end, your inspection will be a painless and worthwhile experience!



Andreea Serb

Content Manager @ Greyloft, a technology enabled property brokerage in Singapore