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Future Articles for 2019

By Greyscail Staff; Updated 1/30/2019

Greyscail is planning to issue five introductory articles and one research report for this year.

The *[seven] introductory articles will cover blockchain and:

  • energy;
  • gaming;
  • identity management;
  • insurance;
  • [communications network (think internet)]
  • [sustainability]; and
  • logistics.

We believe these are the [seven] areas with the most expected growth for blockchain implementations, and see a need to have an introductory understanding of these areas.

Our research report for 2019 is expected to cover one of these categories (may be changed at a later time):

  • The growth of blockchain-backed identity management platforms and possible implications.
  • What can the blockchain industry learn from the aviation industry?
  • Blockchain and the Internet-of-Things: An area primed for growth?
  • [Tokenizing waste? Handling economic externalities with blockchain tehcnology.]
  • [Initial Song Offering? A means for crowdfunding musical works.]
  • [Comparing Segway to Lime: Is this distinction necessary for blockchain mass-adoption?]

*Edits are inside the “[]” brackets.

