Greyscail Guidelines and Policies

Updated as of Jan. 10, 2019.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

What is Greyscail?

We are a decentralized, community-driven network of independent writers and analysts passionate about blockchain technology, with an emphasis on real-world use-cases.

Each member has an equal say and standing in the management of our affairs and can participate in choosing the direction of the publication.

Greyscail Guidelines and Policies

Our guidelines and policies are to guide writers who want to publish their works in Greyscail meet our requirements.

Specifically, our guidelines are for writers to tailor their articles for publication while our policies are to regulate and incentivize certain writer behavior.

Greyscail Guidelines

We prefer to receive unpublished articles to published articles because this leads to greater consistency when articles are shared to different sites.

We want to host the one true copy of any article and to prevent reader confusion from different different versions of an article.

Additionally, we expect any submission to comport to, or allow us to edit to comport to, the following requirements:

  • The Article complies with Medium’s Rules and Ad-free Policy. For articles submitted under Medium’s Partner Program, the Article must comply with Medium’s Curator Guidelines and Content Guidelines.
  • The submission must relate to our general area of focus.
  • All Articles must be submitted through Medium.
  • All Articles must have an image after a Major heading. IF a subheading follows a Major heading, then after the subheading. If a description follows a Subheading, then after the description.
  • All Articles must be appropriate for all ages, and will be rigorously reviewed for compliance with this point. Any content deemed inappropriate, lewd, or offensive will be removed.
  • Titles for Articles must be in title case or sentence case.
  • Titles may be written in Initial caps or Sentence case, but not entirely in all capital letters.
  • The First Paragraph after the Title or Subtitle must begin with a drop-caps.
  • Paragraph length is 5-10 lines.
  • All sources and images must be cited in accordance with the Citation policy.
  • Any content not attributable to your own personal knowledge must be cited with an appropriate source containing validating and/or extrapolating information.
  • Once published in Greyscail on Medium, you may not remove the Article from Greyscail unless it is in accordance with the Submitted Article policy.
  • You may submit an Article to other publications, but only after, and with the approval of the editors, submitting the Article to Greyscail.
  • All Articles must not infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party either intentionally or unintentionally through lack of due diligence.
  • We reserve the right to remove any Article or writer from Greyscail for any reason stated in the Full-fledged Writer policy.
  • You may submit a maximum of three (3) Articles for publication to Greyscail per day.
  • Articles will generally be published within 3–5 days after the editing and review process under the Submitted Article policy is completed.
  • Writers will generally have their Articles published in the order they are submitted to Greyscail.

Greyscail Policies

As a writer joining the Greyscail community, we expect you to follow these submission requirements and any other policy affecting submissions to the Greyscail Blockchain Review.

We expect You to comply with the “Prospective Writer,” “Submitted Article,” “Full-fledged Writer,” “Citation,” “Obligations and Permissions,” “Dispute Resolution,” and “Community Member” policies, in addition to Medium’s rules and policies.

Why are we making this so hard?

Simple. Sometimes it is imperative to be thorough, especially when you operate in a space fraught o with misconceptions, misstatements, fraud, and nefarious individuals who aim to personally enrich themselves at the expense of other community members.

Co-writer Request Form

If you would like to become a writer for Greyscail, or simply publish an article in Greyscail, please complete the Co-writer Request Form and we shall respond within 5–10 business days.

If you are approved, we welcome your submission and cannot wait to work with you!


If you have any questions, please send them to

