Joey Wilcke
Grid Games
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2020


Mid 2020 Development Update

I’ll talk a little about the past two years, Grid Games as a studio and Grid Online.

Two years ago my brother and I embarked on the endeavour of realizing our dream.

Our first goal: To spend time learning game development, work on the rough concepts of our game and dish out a prototype version of the game that had some resemblance of our ideas.

I had no prior game development experience. Jeff’s a programmer and entrepreneur and has been developing games in his spare time.

I worked mainly on the art (models, textures and level design) while Jeff did all of the coding (general systems, networking, shaders, etc).

Check out our previous Medium articles to get a more in-depth look at our progress:

After just over a year we felt the prototype, while too rough to release as anything representative, contained enough of our concepts that it was time to move on to the next stage.

The goal for Grid Games — the studio name — has always been to become an actual game development studio. There’s no doubt that developing Grid Online could be done by the two of us alone. Our plans are ambitious though. Grid Online won’t be a small indie title and so to realize our dream, we need an entire team.

After the tinkering phase came the necessary step to find an office from which we would operate and, thankfully, we’re nearing the completion of that phase and we’re extremely proud of what it has become.

I want to take a second to mention that during the time we’ve worked on the studio, the Discord went a little quiet. We love taking you along for this ride with us while we develop GG and GO however there is a downside to our going public so early; There will be a lot of quiet time while we get the not-game-development-related-shit in order which might make it seem like it’s dead. This project is going to take years to complete.

A huge thank you to all of you who express interest in our shared dream. We’re so excited to do this together with a community right from the get-go.

The studio can house up-to 50 people quite comfortably. The goal is to reach ~15 members early on and work on the studio’s structure (teams, roles, etc) while ironing out the roadmap for Grid Online.

The studio development process will likely continue into the early months of 2021.

Are you, or do you know of someone, whom would be interested in working with us on this epic challenge? We’ll be looking for game developers of all kind (programming (c-sharp), concept art, modeling, texturing, animating, level design, sound design, etc).

It’s important, especially at the start of the project, that anyone interested in working on Grid Online has the ability to do so at the HQ. There’s a certain dynamic you’ll find when working closely together and therefor remote work will not be an option.

Reach out to us via Discord for now while we work on the process.

Grid Online will be an MMORPG of epic proportions. We’re heavily inspired by games like Anarchy Online, Neocron and Star Wars: Galaxies.

We can’t wait to talk more about the game when the time is right.

Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and excitement for Grid Online. Meet you in cyberspace!

Link to Discord
Link to Medium posts
Link to Grid Games Twitter

