Quickly Deploy a Three Node GridDB Cluster

Israel Imru
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

With GridDB Community Edition 4.1, online node addition and removal has been added; this feature was only previously available in the commercial standard edition. This first blog, of a two part series, will showcase how to setup a three-node cluster on public cloud infrastructure. The second post will showcase the process of recovering from a failure as well as adding and removing nodes.

We’ll assume you have deployed three Centos 7 instances on the same vnet, griddb1 (, griddb2 (, and griddb3 ( so that we can follow the following steps, running each step on each node before moving on to the next step.

#1 Install GridDB

$ sudo rpm -Uvh https://github.com/griddb/griddb_nosql/releases/download/v4.1.1/griddb_nosql-4.1.1-1.linux.x86_64.rpm

The first step is to disable iptables and firewalld. In a production environment you should create rules that allow all of the GridDB ports to run.

$ sudo su -
# systemctl disable firewalld
# systemctl stop firewalld
# iptables -F INPUT

All GridDB operations should be performed as the gsadm user.

$ sudo su - gsadm

gs_cluster.json specifies the name of the cluster, the definition of the nodes in the cluster, and the replication number. With replicationNum: 2, two nodes will contain each piece of data stored in GridDB.

$ cat > /var/lib/gridstore/conf/gs_cluster.json << EOF
"notificationMember": [
"cluster": {"address":"", "port":10010},
"sync": {"address":"", "port":10020},
"system": {"address":"", "port":10080},
"transaction": {"address":"", "port":10001},
"sql": {"address":"", "port":20001}
"cluster": {"address":"", "port":10010},
"sync": {"address":"", "port":10020},
"system": {"address":"", "port":10080},
"transaction": {"address":"", "port":10001},
"sql": {"address":"", "port":20001}
"cluster": {"address":"", "port":10010},
"sync": {"address":"", "port":10020},
"system": {"address":"", "port":10040},
"transaction": {"address":"", "port":10001},
"sql": {"address":"", "port":20001}


In gs_node.json, you set how much memory and the number of threads to use. The following values are a good starting point for a node with 8 cores and 8GB of RAM.

$ cat > /var/lib/gridstore/conf/gs_node.json << EOF

Finally, set the password for the admin user. Use something more secure if not just testing!

$ gs_passwd -u admin -p admin

#3 Start GridDB

$ sudo su - gsadm 
$ gs_startnode
$ gs_joincluster -u admin/admin -n 3

Finally, run gs_stat to see if the cluster is running correctly. If a complete node list is not shown as below, move to the master node and run gs_stat there. If gs_stat shows SUB_CLUSTER, the cluster is _NOT_ running correctly, and is likely having communication issues between nodes.

$ sudo su - gsadm
$ gs_stat -u admin/admin
... snip ...
"cluster": {
"activeCount": 3,
"clusterName": "defaultCluster",
"clusterStatus": "MASTER",
"designatedCount": 3,
"loadBalancer": "ACTIVE",
"master": {
"address": "",
"port": 10040
"nodeList": [
"address": "",
"port": 10040
"address": "",
"port": 10080
"address": "",
"port": 10080
"nodeStatus": "ACTIVE",
"notificationMode": "FIXED_LIST",
"partitionStatus": "NORMAL",
"startupTime": "2019-03-15T04:57:16Z",
"syncCount": 173
... snip ...

Originally published at griddb.net.

