Public Sector

GridDuck Landing Pages
3 min readFeb 15, 2021

Are you wasting energy?

Your energy use matters, whether you are a school, a hospital, a local authority or a government agency. Public sector buildings account for 9% of building-related emissions.

Over 300 local authorities have declared climate emergencies and set themselves ambitious targets.

The UK government has committed to reaching net zero carbon by 2050, and each government department is setting out net zero plans. The NHS and Department for Education net zero plans are already out.


GridDuck measures and automates hundreds of appliances in non-domestic buildings, including in the public sector. This enables schools, councils and government agencies to reduce energy waste.

Tracking your electricity costs

Do you know how much you are spending on energy? Do you know what you are spending it on, and when?

GridDuck can track your electricity consumption in real time, for your whole building, or for individual appliances. We can also take in external data feeds to our dashboard, for example from your gas or water measurements.

You can download your data and compare it to your energy bill and business activity.

Example: We helped this government agency (Department for Transport) track the electricity consumption at five regional offices in real time.

Circuits are measured using clamps within the distribution board. The agency can compare this data against their electricity bill and identify potential savings opportunities.

Office energy consumption chart

Cut energy waste automatically, every day

Using our system, you can automatically switch off high-consuming appliances and machinery.

Automation Example: You can set simple and flexible time switch rules for lights, heaters, water heaters and other appliances, using our simple interface.

This rule is for a room heater.

Automation rule interface

Once implemented, the electricity demand chart for the room heater shows there are some clear savings.

room heater electricity demand chart

In addition, the same room heater can be managed to keep the room at a constant temperature. We call it a ‘virtual thermostat’.

virtual thermostat user interface
virtual thermostat sensor input and electricity demand curve

Driving the energy transition

The public sector is uniquely placed to drive a transition to low-carbon energy, by balancing local renewables with flexible electricity consumption, EV charging and battery storage.

GridDuck enables you to track local renewables generation and adjust your energy consumption accordingly.

Here we track solar PV at a school.

Solar PV generation chart at a school

But we can also charge and discharge a battery in response to solar generation

Solar PV generation in sync with battery charge/discharge

Public Sector Paper

Click below to download our Public Sector Paper, packed full of case studies and customer feedback.

Download the paper here

