How to Connect Your Gridify Page to a Custom Domain

Gridify is a personal webpage generator for those who like to unify their online presence in a minimalistic page.

You can connect your Twitter, GitHub, YouTube, Instagram and many more accounts to show all your work to the people of the internet.

In this guide, I will show you how to connect your Gridify page to your custom domain name.


Before following this guide you need to have signed up to the Gridify and have created a page if you haven’t already.

Step 1: Upgrade to Pro Plan

Connecting your page to a custom domain is a feature enabled in the Pro plan. So you need to upgrade to pro to be able to move forward:

Click any Upgrade to Pro button or follow this link:

Select the plan that suits you, enter your credit card information and upgrade your account.

Don’t forget to add a coupon code if you have one. If you need a coupon code please follow us on Twitter. Sometimes we give away a limited number of coupon codes. 🙂

Please note that the payments are processed securely by Stripe so all of the sensitive data is sent directly from your browser to the Stripe servers without revealing to our servers. 🔒

Step 2: Configure DNS Records

If you are going to use your root domain you need to create an A record to the public IP address of

Go to GoDaddy or your domain provider and add an A record to the IP address:

If you want to use a subdomain, you can also add a CNAME record to domain. This does not work with the apex (root) domain.

Do not forget that you may wait for some time for the DNS record to propagate across the name servers. This usually takes less than a minute in GoDaddy, but for some providers, you may wait up to 24 hours.

You can use this tool to confirm your DNS record is globally visible.

Step 3: Add Custom Domain to Your Profile

While you are waiting for the DNS records to update globally, go and edit your profile and type your domain without http:// or https:// part and save it.

Add your custom domain to your profile.


Now that you set up your Gridify page to work with you domain it’s time to celebrate that! 🎆

Don’t forget to share your website with all of the internet and if you do, please also tag us so that we can appreciate your personal webpage as well! 🙂

If you have trouble connecting your custom domain, you can always react out to us at Twitter, or from the instant messaging tool in our website for some help.

