NFL 2020 PPR Projections — Top 25

The love of all players that score points in multiple categories…

Andrew Troiano
Gridiron AI
3 min readAug 3, 2020


Below are tables containing the top 25 players overall and the top 5 at each position for 2020. We are still finalizing the models, so these will likely change somewhat. Create an account on our site and you get access to the top 10 at each position, and the top 50 overall for free.

If you sign up for an MVP subscription, you will be able to see all the predictions.

You can view our Standard yearly prediction article here

What Do We Provide During The Season?

During the season, we provide weekly projections and stats for $5 a month during the regular season. When the season is over, we do not bill.

With the MVP subscription:

  • You can customize scoring
  • Save players to your roster
  • Download all the predictions into a CSV file
  • Download raw player data to do your analysis/modeling

You can make a free account now and see what we are about!

Register Here

We also have a How-To article you can review to give you a taste of what is available.

Our weekly models are good, here is an article where we review the performance from last year


Each week, we write articles about potential over and undervalued players to help everyone make better roster decisions. In addition to this, we generally blog about random stuff we think is interesting. The velocity of articled depends on the time we have each week to dedicate (and for me, the amount of time I can dedicate without neglecting my family).

Each week, we also provide the top 25 players overall and top 10 at each position for free in the app. The scoring for these rankings are PPR/STD/FD/DK.

Where are the Rookies? (Not Again)

We have a basic rookie model done but not polished. We’ll have updates on the blog and via email when this is ready

Model Notes and General Comments on Our Process (Please Read)

I’m going to keep this to a bullet point list:

  • Projections are pretty much settled for the year
  • The predictions should be viewed as our opinion, and you will likely have your ideas about what we are wrong/right. Feel free to join our slack and give us your feedback. The link to join is at the bottom of this page.
  • We make minimal changes to what the model predicts, we trust in the numbers (I am going to keep stating this)
  • When we do make adjustments, it’s usually due to an injury or playing time situation
  • We haven’t perfected the model to the point where it can identify and learn what is happening in the world (aka roster decisions or coaching decisions)
  • There is also a general limitation to what an AI algorithm can reasonably learn and understand
  • We are filtering the results based on who is currently on an active roster (or trying to do that)
  • We value transparency and are open to answering any questions you have if you want to join our slack channel (link at the bottom of this post).

What do the fields mean

  • Avg Pts is the mean projected points for given player assuming the player plays all season
  • Max Pts/ Min Pts the worst and best case scenario points we think the player can get this year (outside a season-ending injury in week 1)
  • Point Overview — 1 PPR and 6 Pt per Passing TD, everything else is standard across CBS/ESPN


We provide the avg, min, and max to help you plan for uncertainty. In general, when you try to build models that predict a numeric outcome (like we do), it is helpful to get a range of possible outcomes. The more significant the spread, the more risk. Last year, 72% of our preseason rankings fell within the ranges we provided.

  • For example, our QB predictions are pretty low, if you think they are too low, use the Max Pts prediction instead.

Top 25 Rankings (Updated 2020–07–29)

For this post, we’re just going to have the top 25 players. This data plus all the individual stat projections are available to download when you make an account!

Top 5 WR

Top 5 RB

Top 5 QB

Top 5 TE


If anyone has any questions or wants to talk to us, you can find us in our Slack Channel. Click here to join: PLEASE CLICK ME, WE LOVE TO TALK.



Andrew Troiano
Gridiron AI

Data Scientist that is not great at writing profiles. I enjoy baseball and football.