Kyle Pickett
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2023


GridMatrix’s Commitment to Vision Zero: Partnering with the US Department of Transportation for Safer Roads

GridMatrix is committed to reducing roadway fatalities and accidents to 0

GridMatrix, the leader in cloud-based transportation analytics, is proud to stand alongside the U.S. Department of Transportation as an Ally in Action in support of the National Roadway Safety Strategy (NRSS). The designation recognizes GridMatrix’s unwavering commitment to using its analytics software to improve safety outcomes on U.S. roads.

GridMatrix provides both immediate and long-term solutions to roadway safety. The company’s software provides users with real-time accident alerts, which use push notifications to reduce the time between incident and an emergency vehicle response. GridMatrix also provides near-miss analyses to help traffic engineers proactively identify high-risk locations before an accident occurs.

GridMatrix’s incident alert technology proudly supports each of the NRSS’ five core principles of roadway safety: safer people, safer vehicles, safer speeds, safer roads, and post-crash care. By following these five principles, GridMatrix will support the Department of Transportation’s move towards its Vision Zero goal of eliminating traffic fatalities.

“We are thrilled to join the Department of Transportation as an Ally in Action,” said GridMatrix CEO Nicholas D’Andre. “Road safety is only achievable through concerted efforts between all interested parties. We will continue to support efforts to develop a safer and more reliable transportation network.”

The NRSS was created in response to the alarming increase in roadway fatalities in recent years. The initiative calls upon stakeholders to commit to specific actions in 2023 to reduce serious injuries and deaths on the nation’s roadways. GridMatrix has committed to:

  • Scaling up the use of the company’s accident and near-miss detection system to provide a wider roadway safety coverage.
  • Creating new alerts for transportation engineers for out-of-crosswalk pedestrian events, stalled vehicles, and disabled vehicles.
  • Putting together teams for the development of integrated intersection safety systems.

GridMatrix is excited to be a part of this transformative movement, ensuring that safety remains at the forefront of the national agenda. We are fully committed to the Vision Zero cause and will actively contribute to achieving safer roads for everyone. We will proudly do our part to eliminate roadway fatalities and create a safer, more connected America.



Kyle Pickett

Northern California native living in and doting on San Francisco. Defense, aerospace, and transportation analyst and author of energy industry publications.