Phantom HeartAche

The Hollow Farewell

The Anatomy of Silent Grief

Grief Book Club


Photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash

With utmost strive
I uttered my heart
words spilling like red wine from parted lips
but silence hung heavy
a noose around my voice

“Why?” I demanded
pulse throbbing in my temples
“Why do you leave me here
veins emptying of hope?”

His eyes
hollow caverns
stared through me
mirroring nothing but void

“I thought we…
I thought you…”
my voice wounded
vertebrae snapping under the weight of despair

His gaze stayed fixed on the sterile ground
hands limp
fingers twitching with terrifying tension

“I needed you,” I whispered
lungs burning
but he… he turned
a shadow slipping through my grasp

“I did everything,” I cried
tears hot
carving rivers down my cheeks
each drop of my ill being.

He said nothing
body rigid
spine a column of frost
leaving me to crumple
muscles weak
heart a shattered relic

Grief gnawed at my bones
a relentless hunger
a black hole swallowing the last of my strength

“I uttered my heart,” I screamed,
voice cracking
throat raw
but he… he was gone
a phantom
a hollow echo in the cavity of my chest

Grief wrapped itself around my ribs
a relentless vice
no solution
no end
just grief
endless and all-consuming

Days turned into a blurred routine
each morning a struggle to lift my head
my limbs heavy with the weight of absence
a daily reminder of a life not done

Nights became my refuge and my prison
darkness a companion to my endless thoughts
each breath surviving against despair

I wandered through memories
each step a painful journey through shattered dreams
seeking fragments of myself in the ruins of us
but finding only — what could never be

Time moved on
indifferent and unkind
yet within the chaos
a quiet resolve grew
not of healing
but of enduring
fragility in the relentless aftermath

© Tamanna_Verma 2022



Grief Book Club

Poetic Dreamer | Faithful soul traveling with thoughts | Culture-loving seeker of wisdom & transcendence, here to learn & grow with words | 2^4+1