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Grim Tidings
The cosmic secrets of godlessness all wrapped up by a fellow with a Ph.D. writing on the internet
The Monk Who Bought A Ferrari
The Monk Who Bought A Ferrari
The monk who sold a Ferrari was a bestseller. Meet the monks who like Ferraris.
The Other Millennial
Dec 12
Can Education Save Us From the Coming Dark Age?
Can Education Save Us From the Coming Dark Age?
Postmodern obstacles to the overcoming of populist barbarism
Pierz Newton-John
Dec 11
Walter White’s Tragic Complexity
Walter White’s Tragic Complexity
“Breaking Bad” and Dostoyevsky: moral transgression in the modern age
Daniel Lehewych, M.A
Dec 4
How We Can Protect Democracy Without Losing Our Values
How We Can Protect Democracy Without Losing Our Values
The paradox of tolerance and its dialectical unfurling
Daniel Lehewych, M.A
Nov 25
Choose Your Discomforts Lest Your Discomforts Choose You
Choose Your Discomforts Lest Your Discomforts Choose You
The False Promise of Perfect Comfort
Pierz Newton-John
Nov 22
Buddhas Aren’t Slaves to Saintliness
Buddhas Aren’t Slaves to Saintliness
The reconciling of Eastern and Western conceptions of enlightenment
Benjamin Cain
Nov 18
I Will Take Care of You for a Week
I Will Take Care of You for a Week
Time for a vacation — a real one
Luka Bönisch
Nov 12
Buddhas are Nihilist Observers, Not Compassionate Saints
Buddhas are Nihilist Observers, Not Compassionate Saints
The incoherence of the standard Western conception of Buddhism
Benjamin Cain
Nov 11
Did Osama bin Laden Destroy America?
Did Osama bin Laden Destroy America?
The road from 9/11 to Trump
Pierz Newton-John
Nov 8
Societies Built on Infinite Relations
Societies Built on Infinite Relations
A dialogue on the implications of late-modern science for humanist values
Pierz Newton-John
Nov 7
“Grim Tidings” is Now Open to Other Writers
“Grim Tidings” is Now Open to Other Writers
Their articles will appear here now too
Benjamin Cain
Nov 7
Trump’s Second Term Gifts Liberals a Dark Night of the Soul
Trump’s Second Term Gifts Liberals a Dark Night of the Soul
A silver lining of the Trumpian apocalypse
Benjamin Cain
Nov 6
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