Why are we still skeptical about remote in the 21st century?
Hey all in #2020.
After reading an article by Martin Harbech about the 10 breakthroughs that happened in less than a quarter before the year-end I realized that It’s not easy to forecast what new achievements and discoveries we will hear about (or be a part of 🤔) in this decade (or this year).
Anyway, I’m sure it’s important to keep track of all the breakthroughs and to be on the same wave.
As an example, I see that companies nowadays are still trying to avoid using remote resources that offer so many benefits.
I’m sure all of you do remember the same issue we had with the Cloud services just a few years ago.
Doesn’t it sound somehow familiar? 🤔
Every CTO I’ve been talking to said “NO” to moving their data to the “middle of nowhere”. Instead, all of them insisted that their data is safe only if it’s located behind the wall or even in the same room (yes, I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes 🙃). Their main argument was that it’s only safe when they can hear the server working.
Have a look at the situation nowadays. It has changed dramatically: companies move their data to the cloud as it has so many benefits.
I will list just a few: it’s easy to manage, to scale according to your needs in just several clicks, you don’t need to exchange old hardware and most important — it’s still safe.
💡 What if I will tell you that the same thing can be done with your teams?
- remote teams can be very flexible
- you can scale them in a blink of an eye, adding more capacity
- their work doesn’t stop when your time zone is at dusk
- you don’t need to invest a fortune into the training (and you avoid the risk of brain drain after this investment)
I’m sure that in a couple of years dedicated developer model will be as popular as Cloud services today (it’s already widely used by big companies) and I’m sure I can take part in this change.
Wanna join? 😎