“A beautiful day for a neighbor”

Chloe Loeffelholz
Griz Renter Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2020
A yellow and green door of apartments next to each other
Photo by Christian Stahl on Unsplash

At the UM Renter Center I often find myself using Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood theme song saying “Won’t you be my neighbor.” I know we’ve used this quote on brochures and social media posts. One of the little joys of the global pandemic is seeing neighbors helping neighbors in Missoula, Montana, the United States, and beyond. Now, more than ever, is “a beautiful day for a neighbor.” I reached out to friends of mine who are scattered across the country and the globe to see how their neighborhoods and communities are responding to the coronavirus. Hopefully we can find a nugget of inspiration from another neighbor in Illinois, or Spain, or Finland!

Sienna, Colorado

Sienna in a bright pink bedroom with photos on the walls
Sienna at home in Colorado

Even during a stay at home order, Sienna has been making a positive impact. Her family is sewing masks and hats to donate to hospitals as they are running out due to the high demand for protective equipment. Sienna also knows that many people in her community with medical training, retired doctors and newly graduated doctors, are stepping up to help in the overwhelmed hospitals. Every night at 8 pm people go out to howl. Sienna feels like this shows solidarity “like we are all part of the pack.”

Lisa, Finland

A picture of two girls with loaves of bread
Lisa and her roommate posing with the bread they baked

While Lisa is in Finland until mid-May she continues the check the news in Germany, her home country. The experience of studying abroad has changed significantly in the past month as many exchange students were required to return to their home countries. Lisa continues to spend time with her roommate. Some of their favorite activities have been making cards for Easter and baking cinnamon rolls. In Finland, people are still allowed to go outside and enjoy fresh air. On her walks, Lisa has noticed “really cute” teddy bears placed in windows to boost morale and spread kindness.

Miriam, Spain

Miriam sitting on her bed with a purple wall behind her
Miriam sits in her bed at home in Spain

Miriam is in a compulsory lockdown with the rest of Spain. While only essentials workers are allowed to go out, non-essential workers and their families are all at home. Miriam recognizes that “people are suffering a lot.” Every evening Miriam’s family and all their neighbors go out to clap on their balconies. With this act they support health professionals, essential workers, and people who have lost family members to the coronavirus.

Sharone, Finland

In central Finland, gatherings of more than ten people are not allowed and public spaces are all closed, this has not stopped Sharone from feeling connected with her community. Sharone has been spending a lot of time with a Finnish family she was paired with for the duration of her exchange. This family unit has been very supportive and Sharone joins them for activities every weeks such as running, cooking, and eating.

Shannon, Illinois

Shannon in front of a bookshelf
Shannon’s books have been keeping her company

In Illinois, there is a stay at home order in place until April 30th. Shannon is thankful that the parks, trails, and conservation districts in her neighborhood are still open. She has been enjoying lots of walks and supporting local restaurants by ordering take-out (including a mac and cheese burger). Even though at the community level there is a lack of bonding, Shannon’s personal social circle is supporting each other through frequent check-ins.

Hang Man, Finland

A meal delivered from the university meal service

Hang Man is in central Finland for the duration of her study abroad period. She has not noticed any big ways that her neighbors have come together during this time. To pass the time she and her roommate have been experimenting with new recipes! One service that has been very helpful is the student cafeteria at the university is offering delivery service to her apartment at no extra cost.

Neighbors and communities are still there for each other. Personally, I will take inspiration from each of these ladies across the world. Here is to giving back like Sienna, going on walks like Lisa, showing support like Miriam, finding connections like Sharone, ordering tasty treats like Shannon (where can I find a mac and cheese burger pronto??), and trying something new like Hang Man. It’s still “a beautiful day for a neighbor.”

