Adopt a Traffic Circle

Marley Merchen
Griz Renter Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2019

Ever wonder what the small circles in the middle of the road are? They aren’t tiny roundabouts — they are Traffic Circles! The City of Missoula uses traffic circles as a means of traffic safety. There are 45 Traffic Circles in Missoula. Neighbors and organizations can adopt these circles as part of a program run through the Office of Neighborhoods to help to maintain them.

A traffic circle adopted by the ASUM Neighborhood Ambassadors.

Adoption Application

To begin the process of adoption you will need to fill out the application online by going to the City of Missoula Office of Neighborhoods page on the city’s website. Here you will be able to gain more information about the program as well as apply to adopt a traffic circle near you.

A traffic circle adopted by the ASUM Neighborhood Ambassadors.

Applying for Grant Money

After you have adopted the traffic circle you can apply to a grant to help you with the costs of maintenance. These grants can be used to get supplies such as plants and mulch but cannot be used to buy tools.

Neighborhood Ambassador Chole working to clean-up a sign on one of the adopted traffic circles.

Don’t forget to certify it

Another amazing thing you can do with your traffic circle is to get it certified as a wildlife habitat through the National Wildlife Federation. It’s a super easy process all you need is cover, a place to raise young, water, and food. It ensures you have all the pieces necessary for insects or birds to call your traffic circle home.

This is a butterfly peddler providing water for insects. This is very easy to create and store in your traffic circle.

After you adopt a traffic circle all you will need to do it take care of it. This is a fun way to get involved with our local community and help keep the Garden City looking nice.

