How to take care of yourself while going to school in a pandemic.

Marley Merchen
Griz Renter Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2020

College is hard enough without there being a pandemic that threatens to ruin your social life. So how do we deal with being a student and a responsible citizen while still experiencing college? Below are a few tips on how to be a college student during this wild time.

Remote or In-person?

The hardest question all of us are dealing with right now is whether we should choose the remote or in-person option. Despite popular belief, this goes beyond just our choices for class this year. Most clubs and university events are allowing participants to participate in whichever modality they would like. This is to allow students to feel safe and comfortable while still feeling like they are apart of campus activities. But how do you know which one is best for you? First and foremost trust your gut. If my gut is also unsure I ask myself these questions;

Is this event going to be people I would hang out with anyway? -If the answer is yes I am more comfortable going in-person.

Will the event be outside? If yes are you really comfortable being outside in Montana weather for extended periods of time.

Are there clear COVID-19 precautions? This is the biggest question. I personally don’t want to go to an in-person event if there isn’t a clear expectation on what precautions will be taken and if masks will be mandated.

Once you decide if you are going remote or in-person make sure you talk with friends and invite them to the event. I always feel awkward when I am on Zoom and having a friend who I am able to chat with makes it more enjoyable. Just make sure you don’t force your friends to go in-person if they aren’t comfortable.

At-home workspace. Image via

Can I hang out with my friends?

I think many college students are scared that they may be unable to hang out with friends this year. It is important to understand the risks of meeting up with people. I personally make sure to wash my hands and sanitize frequently touched objects after I hang out with people. I also try to socially distance and make sure that we are all being as careful as possible. Being social is a part of life so if you are hanging out with friends just make sure to take precautions and if something does happen make sure you communicate with friends that you are feeling ill so they can take the correct steps as soon as possible.

If you don’t want to hang out in-person don’t worry you don’t have to feel left out. I personally love Netflix party and think it’s a great way to be together when you can’t actually be together. Along with Zoom, there is so much technology out there today that will let you video call with friends and family. If you aren’t ready to be around people yet, I think we are all germaphobes now, don’t worry because there is plenty of other ways to “hang out”.

Neighborhood Ambassadors during Pumpkin Pick-up last year.

How do I practice self-care during this time?

This is the biggest question I have asked myself. Since school started I have felt like my head is in the clouds. For me self-care is often spending time with friends, going out to eat, going to Target, or sitting in the University Center on a sunny day by the plants. All of these things are not necessarily socially distanced approved events so I have had to change things up. In college, it is very easy to focus solely on school and school activities and forget to take care of yourself. This is your reminder to go outside and get some fresh air, buy yourself your favorite coffee, and take a break from studying to watch a movie. These are all important things to do even when there isn’t a world pandemic. The most important part of practicing self-care during college in a pandemic is to make sure that you take the time and don’t beat yourself up. My best tip is to set timers and work till the timer goes off and then take a break. One of our local Neighborhood Ambassadors Chloe said that “ Yoga with Adriene videos, meditation through the Insight Timer app, walks accompanied by a podcast, eating lots of fruits and veggies, and finding funny tv shows to watch … all are keeping me grounded”. If you are still struggling on what self-care during this time looks like for you I recommend looking at the Health Nut webpage and the activities they have that can help reduce stress.

ASUM Neighborhood Ambassador doing yoga at her apartment.

