University of Montana Instagram

Marley Merchen
Griz Renter Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2020

Are you new to Campus? Unsure about what it means to be a Grizzly? Missoula is a unique community that can sometimes be hard to keep up with. Whether you are racing inner tubes down the Clark Fork with friends or biking to Market of Front for a breakfast burrito the City of Missoula is always buzzing. There to capture everything that is happening at the University of Montana. From funny to more serious we got it all covered.


One of the meme pages you should follow to stay up to date with Missoula is the UM’s unofficial @u_of_memetana which posts memes directed at students. It’s a great place to understand the culture at the university and connect with fellow students while laughing about a President Bodnar Meme. Another great UM meme page is @umontanamemes.


While @bananasofumt is not an official meme page it is still worth the mention in this post. They post pictures of UM students posing with bananas in silly ways. Who knew potassium was so treasured on a college campus?


Being away from your furry friends is the hardest thing luckily @dogs_of_umt is here to show you pictures of the best dogs out there. While it’s not a replacement for your best pal back home we hope it can help hold you over till the first trip back to see them.


College does weird things to people. One of these things at UM includes hiding plastic babies around campus. During finals week this is the best way to take a break from studying and have a good laugh. While it may be a little off-putting at first get use to finding these little guys everywhere.


Planning on attending any of our amazing Griz games? Then @umtstudentsection should be your first stop. They post updates and themes for the UM student section before games. You should also check out all the sports teams' Instagram pages and Grizzly Athletic.


This goes without saying but if you are here at the University you should follow our official page. From academics to athletics the University of Montana Instagram covers everything exciting that is happening on campus. There are also Instagram pages for most departments and programs here at UM stay in the know by making sure they pop up in your day scroll. Some of these Instagram pages are; @umfinancialed, @mansfieldlibrary_umt, @umthousing, @um_pantry, @umtransportation, @asumsenate, and many more.


Last but certainly not least make sure to follow your ASUM Neighborhood Ambassador. The @asumneighbors Instagram posts about NA-hosted events, such as our Sunday Sweepers program: community updates; information about Renter Center blog-posts; and general tips and tricks for student renters.

