Grizzly Force
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2018


post your jobs with a few clicks!

Why you should go digital to fill your gigs

Ever feel that you’ve had to compromise your company’s standards in the pursuit of finding suitable temporary workers in Vancouver and beyond?

If this is you, you’re not alone. In fact, many employers have put an end to relying on agencies and traditional job listings in Vancouver. These hiring machines for filling temp jobs often result in poor-quality workers, not to mention prolonged wait times. As a result, companies waste valuable time which results in a decreased ROI.

Problems like these have companies going digital. Job listings in Vancouver have become burdensome and new technology gives employers access to skilled temp workers in Vancouver with just a few taps of a button on their phone.

The Grizzly Hire app offers this ease in hiring as part of a cost-effective solution that’s statistically proven to work. Our on-demand digital app means employers have the power to fill their temporary jobs in Vancouver with close to zero effort. The user-friendly app provides high-quality, on-demand labour you can finally trust.

We’ve listed just a few reasons why companies are going digital with our Grizzly Hire app to find the best temp workers in Vancouver and beyond.

Get workers — fast!

For many companies, the task of hiring temp workers in Vancouver is an unnecessary struggle. But with our app, you can easily fill last-minute jobs tomorrow or even today. We have a whopping 92% fill rate that includes these last minute jobs. This mitigates the pressure of relying on agencies and traditional job listings in Vancouver. These sources often move at a turtle’s pace whereas our app lets you hire quality workers at lightning speed.

It’s affordable

The Grizzly Hire app charges just $22.95 per hour for hiring and posting each of your job listings in Vancouver. This pricing is incredibly reasonable given its simple interface that organizes applications from temporary workers in Vancouver. You can reap the benefits of hiring qualified workers last minute with the tap of a few buttons. At a low-cost you’re able to dodge hidden fees that agencies and job listings often charge, and you only pay when a job is completed. Upon signing up, you’ll never have to settle with poor-quality employees to fill your temp jobs in Vancouver again.

It’s simple

Agency websites and regular job listings in Vancouver have a bad rep; this is largely because they’re disorganized and overcomplicated. The user-friendly Grizzly Hire app makes hiring incredibly easy. Its well-organized interface allows you to seamlessly navigate between varied temp workers in Vancouver. Simply sign in and post your job by entering its location and hours. You’ll get notice of applicants who you can view and hire on the spot. That’s it — there’s no catch.

Choose the top temp workers in Vancouver

Sign up and enjoy the privileges of our app’s rating system that lets you view employee performance for all their past temporary jobs in Vancouver. This provides quality-assurance for all your hiring decisions and gives you an added piece of mind.

Have any questions about going digital to find temp workers? Click here for more information and download our app using the App Store or Google Play.

