Introducing the G-Force: Gro’s new decentralised marketing team

Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2021

TLDR: Gro is launching a decentralised marketing team: the G-Force. It is a collaborative and constantly improving team that runs itself over multiple “epochs”. Each epoch the G-Force can refine its approach, its team and its playbook and Gro even stronger!

Gro’s decentralised marketing team, the G-Force, will aim to improve the following two KPIs for Gro:

  1. TVL: how much value is locked across PWRD and Vault in Gro protocol
  2. Community: Twitter followers, active Discord users, Telegram group members

The G-Force is open to anyone who wants to apply and contribute!

The G-Force member (G4s) selection for epoch 1 is simple:

  • G4s apply through a Google form with a couple of simple answers about how they will contribute
  • 20 G4s are selected in the first epoch (2-week period)

A public #G-Force Discord channel will be used for knowledge sharing and proof of activity:

  • Only G-Force members have write access to the #G-Force channel
  • G-Force members post proof of activity in #G4s for knowledge sharing and to show off their activities
  • The #G-Force channel can be seen by everyone in the Gro Discord so everyone can follow along!

10,000 GRO as Rewards for the G-Force in epoch 1

  • First epoch will have 10,000 vesting $GRO to share between the 20 G-Force (~116k USD at the time of writing)
  • $GRO is claimable into vesting contract
  • G-Force rewards are allocated every epoch based on a democratic vote — every G4 member will need to allocate 12 points to other G4s, with a maximum of 3 points for any one individual.
  • The highest rated G-Force member gets 2,000 GRO, next 7 get 800 GRO, middle 6 get 400 GRO, and bottom 6 get nothing

Content creation, engaging other communities and marketing shout outs can all help you be the top member of the G-Force

Remember, your mission in the G-Force is to increase:

💰 TVL: how much value is locked across PWRD and Vault in Gro protocol

👫 Community activation: Twitter followers, active Discord users, Telegram group members

How you go about this is up to you, but here are some suggestions to inspire you:

Content creation — visual or written content about what Gro protocol is:

  • What makes Gro Protocol stand out compared to other projects/products
  • Why Gro Protocol is the best place to put your stablecoins
  • The strength/experience of the non-anonymous core team
  • How Gro Pr​otocol is building the future of DeFi

Community contribution — other treasuries using PWRD for protected treasury stablecoin deposits

  • Educational content (e.g. Explainer videos, diagrams, illustrations, articles, etc)
  • How does Vault and PWRD work?
  • How does Gro DAO work?
  • How do Gro rewards work?

Community Competitions

  • Engagement competitions with existing Gro community members — make the Gro community an exciting, fun and positive place to be for new and existing people.
  • Cross-community initiatives (e.g. how do we get the whole TOKE community pumped about Gro Protocol)

Getting Gro featured in popular media (e.g. on market-leading podcasts, blogs, etc) or in tweetstorms with a large follower base

  • …or whatever takes your imagination!

Remember: the G-Force votes for the winner at the end of each epoch, so you’ll need to brag about your actions with the other members of the team.

Next steps: Join the G-Force!

To apply to join the G-Force, fill out this quick form:

You don’t need to spend ages on it — just make sure it lists at least one idea of how you can help take Gro to the next level of TVL and community engagement.

We’ll kick off the first epoch whenever a strong group of inaugural G4s have been selected, at the latest Tuesday 16th November. Get moving and fill in the form as soon as you can!





Gro DAO builds products to make web3 more accessible