Top Five Business Books

Recommended by Grocode

Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2019


If you’re going to read a business book (or 5), here are our top picks to add to your list:

  1. Good to Great by Jim Collins
    This isn’t a typical inspirational mumbo jumbo book. Packed with in-depth research and insights, this book is truly eye opening with regards to what works and what doesn’t when trying to grow your business.
  2. The Essentialist by Greg Mckeown is all about decluttering your life and your head so that you can focus on what matters.
  3. Rework by the founders of Basecamp is full of wonderful anecdotes, unconventional wisdom and lessons from their journey of building a successful technology company.
  4. Yes to the Mess by Frank J Berret draws on similarities between jazz music and entrepreneurship, providing a bucket full of wisdom nuggets on situational leadership, improvisation and team (band) building.
  5. The Long (and longer tail) by Chris Anderson takes you behind the screen, lifting the veil and removing ambiguities of the internet and showing you all the glaring business opportunities that are there for the taking!

📚So there you have it, Top 5 business books recommended by

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