Our favorites, Web. Comp 2019

Megan Donahue
Grok Learning
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2019

Submissions are in and we’re impressed (as usual)!

It’s that time of the year again, Web.Comp time. Yet again, we’re extremely impressed with the level of talent demonstrated by students who participated in this year’s competition; all the submissions showed great effort and clearly they learnt a lot!

In the Beginners stream, participants designed their very own webpage for a travel blog. Students were given the HTML and asked to use their creativity and their CSS skills to style and personalize their page. The most highly ranked sites can be found on this year’s Beginners Leaderboard.

Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

In the Intermediate stream, students constructed web pages for a honey farm called Hinterland Hives. You can see what the buzz is all about on the Intermediate Leaderboard.

To everyone who made it on the leaderboards, congratulations! Not everyone can be the winner so we wanted to highlight a few that we thought showed exemplary work and design skills. Here are some of Grok’s favourite entries for this year!

Beginners - Travel Blog

Design submitted by a student from a school in Victoria, Australia.

After receiving all the submissions for this year’s Web.Comp competition a few really caught our attention, including this one. To start, it’s just easy on the eyes. The colour scheme and font couldn’t represent the rugged but simplistic theme any more perfectly. The layout and clean navigation bar make finding your way around this site a walk in the park.

This student keeps their webpage visually appealing by alternating her images to break up the text. The changing of font for each of the main sections is a helpful tool to ensure the user is aware of the change in section. The consistent simplicity of this webpage and use of white space helps to highlight the key elements making your eye naturally follow the pattern of the site. This student’s attention to detail and emphasis on aesthetic is what makes their site stand out from the rest.

The next site on this year’s list of featured websites is from a student in Victoria Australia. Their choice of imagery for their homepage makes us want to pack a back pack of our own and hit the trails. The navigation bar is simplistic and easy to read, making finding useful information super simple.

Their clever use white space and of circle pictures gives the site a playful feel that makes you want to keep scrolling. Their typography is simple and the colour choice of font ties in perfectly with the pictures of mountains and beaches. Their choice of simple font keeps the website from appearing too text heavy and does a fantastic job at keeping users engaged. Overall, it was obvious that this student really knew how to apply their CSS skills to this competition and the end product really shows just that.

Intermediate — Honey Farm Website

Just so happens that the other featured website is also from a school in Victoria, Australia. (Shoutout to the teachers in Victoria!)

This student deserves a “hive five” for their incredible work. At first glance, you know exactly what this website is about and all the features it has to offer. It has a great hero visual with a central image and title that says it all. Everything from their choice of font to their bumble bee illustration and transparent banners this student knew exactly how to catch the audience’s eye.

By using numbered lists and multi-coloured text boxes this student avoided a text heavy site and made it fun to read.From start to finish it’s evident that this student went above and bee-yond.

A huge round of applause to these students who clearly put a lot of time and effort into creating such amazing websites. We enjoyed looking at each and every single one of them.

Here at Grok we love seeing what students are capable of and the amazing websites that are created.

If you or your students are interested in getting involved in Web.Comp, or one of our other coding competitions, make sure to keep an eye on our events calendar for dates! Let the countdown begin until next year’s Design Tournament!

