Web.Comp May 2020 — Our favourites!

Isaac Norris
Grok Learning
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2020

The first Web.Comp of 2020 was the biggest one yet with over 11,000 participants!

The Beginners and Intermediate streams had a Design Tournament, where they had to design a website. They were given the HTML, and they had to use their CSS skills they had acquired over the first 4 weeks to create their site. These designs were then put head-to-head in voting rounds, where other students could vote for their favourite. We announced the tournament winners back in May and they were fantastic designs and well-deserved. However with so many submissions, we wanted to showcase some more of our favourites too!

However, we wanted to showcase our favourites too! Below we have some of the Grok team’s and tutor’s favourite submissions.

Beginners Stream

The Beginners stream had a Design Tournament where they had to design a party planning website called “Party Planet”.

Yasmin’s Choice — Dhruvi Shukla (Grade 10, NSW)

I love the simplicity of the header section — nice use of space. The rest of the page looks like it’s designed as an infinite scroll mobile site — clever! It’s unique and it works well when I viewed it on my phone, though the testimonials section needs a bit more space for mobile. I enjoyed the addition of the graphics to add cuteness and interest.

Christie’s Choice — Pei-Jen (Grade 9, Dulwich College, Beijing)

I like how they have use a different colour, font and font size to make the name of the store standout in the intro text. I also like the overall colour theme, it is nice and bright and fun. I also thought they did a good job with the layout, as we made it tricky having 4 images in the shop and only 3 in the ideas section, so using the ‘See more ideas’ button to even out the grid worked really well.

Intermediate Stream

Student’s in the Intermediate stream designed a website for a fruit shop called “Harvest Markets”.

Yasmin’s Choice — Aidan C (Grade 6, NSW)

Amazing effort for a grade 6 student! I love the bright colours, the clean layout, and the addition of graphics in the What’s in Season section. Great font choice for “Harvest Markets” in the header and footer, it looks like a logo. And my favourite feature is the coloured highlighting on rollover in the top nav bar.

Isobel’s Choice — Tara (Grade 9, Victoria)

I really loved how professional and clean this website looks. The colour scheme and font choices look great. It certainly looked better than some online food stores I have purchased from before!

Advanced Stream

The Advanced stream was tasked with the challenge of creating a Puzzle Game using their skills in JavaScript, HTML and CSS that they had developed over the previous 4 weeks.

Anna Brew’s Choice — “Puzzle 101 — Black” by Fergus (Grade 9, NSW)

I love that the student has taken a simple theme — the colour black, and really coded his puzzles around this theme. The game is just the right level of tricky, where you have to think things through and experiment but it’s definitely not impossible. The design is consistent and suits the puzzles and the theme.

Isobel’s Choice — “The Machine in the Forest” by Ned (Grade 12, Dulwich College, England)

I really enjoyed this puzzle and found it was very engaging. It was quite intuitive to play and I love that they used their own images. The puzzle was different to any of the other ideas I had seen and the design was lovely. The three levels were balanced well, with good increases in difficulty. I must admit it took me a couple of goes to successfully complete the last one!
Be sure to check it out here!

We were really impressed with so many submissions, it was difficult to choose our favourites. We can’t wait to see what students can come up with in the next Web.Comp in October!

