Problems of the traditional Apps and the App ecosytem

Vivek Sai
Published in
3 min readAug 27, 2018

Ever since the world is getting confined to 4-inch devices, millions of applications have invaded the mobile market for simplifying our lives and uniting us globally. But with the satisfying experience, the current application environment comes up with the comorbid issues which at least need to be addressed, if not immediately.

While most of the application developers are challenged to find the right path to minimize the problems, some have already become a part of seismic shift — a shift in approach towards developing the application — credit to the advancement in the blockchain technology. So, what are the challenges with traditional applications? Why is there a desperate need for seismic change in the given niche? Let’s dissect it without a further ado.

Problem 1: Exploits the pockets

The prominent issue with the subsisting application is its developing cost. With no guaranteed-hold over the targeted audience, development cost could prove lethal for the bank deposits. There can be tens of hidden charges associated with creating an application — each increasing the overhead bearing.

Problem 2: Drop in App Loyalty

The customers belong to the service and not you. With thousands of applications getting launched every day, with the accouchement of hundreds of competitors every hour, it takes tough toiling to lure the audience and keep them loyal to the application. Issues like slow page load and wrapping up worsen your ranks in loyalty. Some reports suggest that the unanswered complications attached to the traditional apps have led to plummeting down the audience likeability and loyalty.

Problem 3: Insufficient storage leads to system suspension

Most of the devices support multi-app operation — thanks to the swift development in the field of the processing unit. But the basic problem starts with the storage of applications. Cumbersome application consumes a lot of space in the devices which often result in the slow page load and suspension of the system. This necessitates the requirement of the applications which don’t affect the device performance.

Problem 4: Security breaching

For developers, there has always been pressure to erect security fences around the applications mainly for the two reasons — firstly to preserve the business reputation and secondly to protect the users from an online attack. As of now and in the past, the lack of binary protections, insecure data storage, and no layer protection of the application had a hazardous impact on the users which often led to the cascading relay in loyalty dropping.

Problem 5: Lack of communication

The interactivity in the application medium engages the customers. A good application provides a communicating point to the users but it again demands the mounting of complex modules in it. With the plenty of problems already with the traditional apps, developers usually avoid such complex modules. This makes the application’s ecosystem mechanically clumsy and the platform doesn’t give the immersive and human touch.

The application developers are either working out to resolve the given issues or altering their area of interests by diverting their skills towards dApps. dApps have existed from the time of P2P but have gained special traction in the recent time with the strengthening of the blockchain understanding. Groov is one of the platforms which help developers build dApps, offer the unique solutions in sewing an impeccable dApp, and eradicating all the stated issues.

