Making every moment count: Our Groovy take on the to-do list

Tova Safra
Groove With Us
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2023

Hey there, Groovers! Those of you with a keen eye have probably noticed that after a few months of brainstorming and tinkering, we’ve brought to life Groove’s version of a handy dandy to-do list, right in our app.

Now, we know what you’re thinking. There are already hundreds of to-do list apps out there, like Evernote, Todoist, or trusty old iPhone Notes. So why would we jump on that bandwagon? Well, our journey into the world of to-do lists actually began with a different inspiration altogether.

We all love the feeling of being productive by checking off tasks while working in Grooves. It’s that sense of accomplishment and momentum that keeps you going. However, sometimes what you intended to finish in one Groove extends to the next Groove, and maybe even the one after that. Estimating how long a task will take can be as challenging as trying to untangle a slinky!

The problem was that once a Groove ended, all those unfinished tasks disappeared into the void. Sure, you could go back and check them from your profile, but who has time for that when you’re all revved up and ready to hop into the next Groove? That’s when so many people started asking us if they could carry tasks over from one Groove to the next.

We thought, “Hey, this is a fantastic idea! Let’s make it happen.” So we started designing a way for all your undone tasks to be carried over automatically whenever you chose to do back-to-back Groove sessions. However, we then realized that we didn’t want to trap anyone in an endless chain of Grooves, as if you were caught in some kind of productivity black hole. We value breaks! It’s best to go at your own pace and take a breather when you need it.

We also didn’t want to automatically pass over every undone task from one Groove to the next because, let’s be honest, sometimes things change. Imagine coming back to do a new Groove the next day, only to find some random undone tasks from yesterday staring at you like a couple of confused puppies, wondering why they’re there. Talk about a cluttered and overwhelming experience!

This is when the magic of our to-do list feature started to take shape.

We came up with a simple solution — today’s to-do list.

You can either jot down your tasks and pull them into whichever Groove you’re in throughout the day or jump straight into a Groove and create today’s to-do list right there. Any unfinished tasks from your Grooves will automatically roll over to your universal to-do list, ready for you to pull into and tackle in your next Grooves. When tomorrow comes, a new day dawns and you start fresh. No clutter, no baggage, and no surprises.

This to-do list isn’t just about keeping things organized and accessible. It’s also a celebration of your achievements. When you open the Groove app and take a peek at your completed tasks, it’s like flipping through a journal of success. You can see what you’ve accomplished during the day, the last few days, or even the past week. Take a moment to bask in your glory!

Most to-do apps (though they can be very useful) offer a never-ending list of items, like an eternal scroll of tasks that you can mark as done or not done. Sure, it can be satisfying to tick those boxes, but it’s even more fulfilling to look back at your completed progress on Groove from days gone by. Since you can’t edit or erase what’s been done (or undone) on each past day, it’s a tangible record of your achievements, right there in the company of other Groovers.

This might sound a bit morbid, but let’s face the truth together — our time on Earth is limited. And that’s precisely why what’s important to us isn’t just managing time; it’s about being conscious of it. It’s about valuing each new day and appreciating the opportunities that come with it.

Groove has always been designed to help you be intentional about your hours. We believe in the power of committing to specific tasks within those golden 50-minute sessions. But we didn’t want to stop at the hour level. We wanted to zoom out and help create that experience on a day-level as well.

Even if you’re a lifelong productivity devotee or a self-proclaimed type A personality, time management is never an easy skill to master. True time management reflects how much we value our limited time on this planet, and our ability to make the most of working within our boundaries. That’s no easy feat! So, while other apps may promise to make time management a breeze by providing endless places to dump all your hopes and dreams, or showering you with confetti as a reward for staying away from your phone, we know better. Those are just surface-level solutions. Valuing time and knowing it’s limited is the key.

As podcaster, Ali Abdaal, once wisely said, “Productivity isn’t always about getting more things done. It’s mostly about learning to enjoy the journey.”

So don’t forget to put your feet up, give yourself a pat on the back, and revel in all the things you did get done, not just the ones you didn’t. It’s time to make the most of every hour, every day, and every Groove. Dive into the all-new to-do list feature, face your day with purpose, and celebrate your wins.

If you want to delve deeper into the world of time consciousness and productivity, check out these fantastic books for more:

Stay Groovy!

We’re a coworking space and community of like-minded individuals on a quest to live life differently.

Looking for more Groovy reads? Check these out:

  1. Authentic Human Connection Powers Our Best Work (And Lives)
  2. You Don’t Need Coworking, You Need Camaraderie
  3. Or, if you’re ready to get sh*t done the fun way cruise on over to



Tova Safra
Groove With Us

Tova is a product designer, artist and researcher currently building Groove. Hop on in at