Growing the Ground Up team

Cory Moelis
Ground Up Ventures
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2018

When David and I started Ground Up, we weren’t sure what role we would look to fill with our first hire: a CFO, an admin, an office mascot…

But as a fund that is predicated on the belief that our companies should be able to view us as an extension of their headcount, working on their behalf day in and day out, we realized that what we really needed was someone to focus on building out the platform resources that we make available to our companies.

That is why we are thrilled to announce that Jordan Odinsky has joined us as our first team member. Jordan’s age belies his experience with vc platform building: Jordan ran platform efforts at OurCrowd (covering 150+ portfolio companies and thousands of investors) and was one of the organizers and speakers at the recent VC Platform Summit in NYC. Jordan is always exploring new ways to create value for companies, and outside of work has built a reputation for helping founders with no expectation of anything in return (like the dozens of founders who he has helped through his Pitch Assist Office Hours).

Jordan’s hustle, big picture vision and distaste for coffee make him a great fit for Ground Up. Jordan will be assisting us with new investments as well as overseeing the productization of our portfolio support, and we can’t wait to see all of his valuable contributions to our firm and to our portfolio companies.

Read about Jordan’s decision to join Ground Up HERE.

