Why I Joined Ground Up Ventures

Le'ora Lichtenstein
Ground Up Ventures
Published in
2 min readMar 4, 2020

“Fortune does favor the bold and you’ll never know what you’re capable of if you don’t try.” — Sheryl Sandberg

It’s been quite the ride! Over the past 8 years, I’ve had the most amazing journey, and to be frank, it’s had its fair share of unusual twists and turns. From venture capital to real estate, structured credit and private equity, I’ve had the privilege of learning a ton and meeting some incredible people along the way.

Yet one day, amidst the usual bustle of day-to-day life, I had a moment of clarity. I simply didn’t want to spend the rest of my professional career in front of a Bloomberg terminal or excel spreadsheet. I had no passion for investing in stale numbers and facts. What I really wanted was to invest in the people. In the dynamic heartbeat underlying the success of these companies. In the brilliant, audacious, deeply talented teams who are the true catalysts for every triumphant investment story.

Three kids, a CFA Charter and two countries later, I was ready for the next stage in my adventure. I began to explore opportunities that push the boundaries of my curiosity and imagination and am grateful to have met the Ground Up Ventures team in the process.

For me, shifting to early stage venture is an exciting challenge as an investor. It’s one thing to invest once revenue has ramped up and is showing strong traction. What I’ve set out to do is test myself and my investing acumen; did I have what it takes to identify the winners before anyone else did?

And so, here I am. Spending my days meeting with the smartest entrepreneurs; with founders who are forever seeing beyond the constraints of today, refusing to take no for an answer and believing, with every fiber in their being, that they’re going to be the ones to change the world irrevocably for the better.

I feel very privileged to have joined the Ground Up team. At our core, we are investors who are hungry, persistent, and passionate about supporting founders in their journeys. We are people with diverse professional and personal backgrounds that bring a unique perspective and energy to the investment arena that is one-of-a-kind. And we push ourselves to constantly rethink the status quo, proving that through innovation, grit and hard work, truly anything is possible.

To wrap this up, I’m excited to meet the next wave of founders and dreamers. I’m the type of person who gets the job done. If you’re looking for a bulldog who will go to bat for you every day, I’d love to chat!

As we say here at Ground Up, Onwards and Upwards!



Le'ora Lichtenstein
Ground Up Ventures

Investor @GroundUpVC. Spreadsheet lover. First Lady @SCP_Learning. I'm not a CFA, I'm a Charterholder. Come @ me.