Grounded Solutions 2023 Year in Review

Innovative Finance

Our Innovative Finance Team spent much of 2023 focused on implementation of the exciting the Homes for the Future Fund. The most significant and highly visible milestone of that work was our victory at Enterprise and Wells Fargo Foundation’s Housing Affordability Breakthrough Challenge. Of the more than 400 applicants from across the nation, Grounded Solutions was named one of the six winners, unlocking $3 million in support for Homes for the Future. To learn more about Homes for the Future and how that unique single family home acquisition fund will ultimately support the growth of shared equity homes stewarded by our network members in select markets, please visit the dedicated Innovative Finance web page.

Learning Management System

Our Sector Growth Team is putting the finishing touches on our brand-new and state-of-the-art Learning Management system. The online learning platform will serve as a much-needed platform, providing the tools, education, and resources the field needs to scale housing with lasting affordability. Learn more here!

FEH Cohort 2.0

Our latest cohort in the 18-month For Everyone Home program is getting underway. Stay tuned for an official announcement highlighting the three local governments participating in For Everyone Home 2.0. In the interim, please visit the dedicated For Everyone Home web page to see how the program provides key benefits, helping localities chart a path to inclusive housing production and preservation through lasting affordability.

Click to Learn More

Expanding Resources

We remain honored to have received a $12 million unrestricted gift from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott. Our Board of Directors is actively guiding plans to leverage this once in a lifetime benefit, which will bolster the development of our next long range strategic plan in 2024. Her contribution to Grounded Solutions Network — as well as similar unrestricted gifts made to many of our member organizations, totaling more than $80 million — is the catalyst we need to scale housing with lasting affordability. Alongside Grounded Solutions Network, our various members receiving gifts from Ms. Scott include: Champlain Housing Trust; Douglass CLT ; City of Lakes CLT; Houston CLT; Homestead CLT; San Francisco CLT; Oakland CLT; Durham Community Land Trustees; ROC USA.

For more, please read our press release we issued earlier this year announcing the unrestricted gift from Ms. Scott.

