Who are we?: Anna

Get to know the team behind Grounded!

4 min readJul 5, 2019


Grounded is all about paving new paths in management consulting, delivering results through new methodologies and reinvention. Beyond business, our culture is something we are proud of. So we are letting you take a peek behind the curtains of our office, to help you understand and get to know a little bit more about the team behind all the work.

To kickstart the series, we will be starting with Anna Santiago, Head of Business Development..

Q: Tell me a little about yourself?

A: I’m Anna, Head of Business Development at Grounded. What I mainly do is to go out there and meet different people, such as potential partners, clients and investors. I’m like the resident spider, managing Grounded’s web of connections. I’m responsible for being in touch with everything that happens around the company and knowing about what’s going on in the space, and contribute to the macro strategy of Grounded and our various business units. I ensure that whatever we do and whoever we work with is in line with our vision.

Q: How did you get to join Grounded?

A: I was introduced to Grounded via my dear friend, Joey, who is our creative director. She told me about Grounded and it really piqued my interest. At that time, Grounded was starting to explore blockchain technology services and tokenomics advisory. I wanted to learn more about these topics and Grounded provided an extremely great platform for this given the variety of blockchain and crypto projects we were working with at the time! It was a steep learning curve, but it has really been a challenging and rewarding experience.

Q: How is working in Grounded so far?

A: In a nutshell, “millennial chaos”. (laughs) We are currently doing a lot of cool, exciting things all at once. So I would liken it to the start of the universe, with random particles floating around and creating beauty out of the chaos. The team is made up of talents from many different backgrounds and it’s really fantastic. There are a lot of awesome ideas being generated daily. Being able to explore these ideas and bring it to fruition with serious intrapreneurship is really wonderful. As a youthful company, there is a lot of willingness to try and learn, about anything and everything, not just blockchain!

Q: Grounded is about building an empire and leaving a legacy behind. How would you like to be remembered?

A: I would like to be remembered as an innovator. A person who changes the status quo, bringing across all my cross-cultural experience. I would also like to be known for breaking through any and every glass ceiling possible, as a short tiny girl in a big man’s world.

Q: Let’s get to know you on a more personal level. This or that quickfire!

Q: What is the most useless talent you have?

A: I can comfortably fit into a suitcase.

Q: Describe your typical day in Grounded in three words.

A: Firefighting. Discussions. Readings.

Q: What advice can you give about life?

Q: Last question, before we wrap this up, what are you passionate about?

A: I’m very passionate about travelling and learning languages. That’s the best way to learn and experience different cultures and lifestyles. And I hope that I can bring this into my daily life, interacting and working people from all walks of life, from all cultures.

Grounded is a multi-disciplinary management consultancy agency with strengths in technology adoption. Rooted in our beliefs that blockchain is built for the masses, we set out to creatively disrupt the existing business world.

With every client and partnership, we aim to leave a mark on the industry through our philosophy — education, empowerment and excellence. As a young and energetic company, we have the capability to make the complex world of blockchain more understandable.

Grounded is currently working on our 1 Startup/Month project to help startups and business to get to the next level. Feel free to contact Grounded for more information or check us out at the links below! Or if you are really really excited, feel free to email us at hey@grounded.work

Website: Grounded.Work
1 Startup/Month: Application Form
Linkedln: Grounded
Twitter: @Grounded_Work




Grounded was founded on a collective dream to build an empire and leave a legacy behind long after we’re gone.