Who are we?: Camy

Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2019

Introducing our content strategist, Camy!

Being a new age consultancy, Grounded is not only as nimble as its startup clients but also heavy on strategic vision with clear objectives for every undertaking. This foresight is so crucial in balancing multiple workflows.

This week, we’re introducing the brain behind much of our social content work for projects in industries such as retail, fintech and messaging. Meet Camy, Content Strategist at Grounded.

Q: Tell me a little about yourself!

A: I’m Camy, content strategist in Grounded. I found myself in the world of branding and content strategy by happenstance, but thinking back, I’ve always loved pouring through and researching stories behind brands. I have quite varied hobbies — I love absorbing content on beauty, business models and strategies, marketing ideas, visual and performing arts, food, travel. I am also huge on experiences, my personal goal this year was to travel more for music shows and I’ve done it twice so far!

Q: How did you get to join Grounded?

A: Jiawen and I first met when we worked on an online publishing business. I was managing the food pillar of the platform. We kept in touch here and there but reconnected because I was looking to use my technical skills in strategy for new industries. What’s more forward-looking than blockchain, right?

Q: How has working in Grounded be like?

A: I love that the team is always ready to go and make things happen. It is quite hard to find in the local scene. Everyone on the team also has a voice that will be heard and they can contribute in very meaningful ways to the team. No one is too small to value-add to the work we do.

Q: Grounded is about building an empire and leaving a legacy behind. How would you like to be remembered?

A: I will like my Google search results to be a portfolio of the projects I’ve done that has changed consumer behaviour. I hope to give them more power and ownership over their lives through knowledge and critical thinking. These are things I’m always trying to distill in my content strategy.

Q: Let’s get to know you on a more personal level. This or that quick-fire!

Q: What is the most useless talent you have?

A: I can find almost anyone online if I wanted to.

Q: Describe your typical day in Grounded in three words.

A: Ready, set, go!

Q: What advice can you give about life?

A: Always be prepared for the next three steps in everything you do.

Q: Last question, before we wrap this up, what are you passionate about?

A: I’m strongly passionate about doing work that you love — because you believe in what you are building. Some day, I hope everyone learns to look forward to Mondays!

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Visit our website at https://www.grounded.work or email us at hey@grounded.work to find out how we can work together to meet your business goals.

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Grounded was founded on a collective dream to build an empire and leave a legacy behind long after we’re gone.