Who are We?: Kenneth and Natasha

Get to know the team behind Grounded!

3 min readJul 26, 2019


Grounded firmly believes in nurturing talent from the ground up. Having early exposure to the blockchain landscape helps to create a solid foundational understanding of this dynamic industry. This is why Grounded welcomes internships all year round. The team provides learning opportunities to students in Singapore by showing them the ropes, involving them in product development sessions and setting real business KPIs to nurture their skill sets as budding blockchain entrepreneurs.

Today’s feature is about Kenneth Ong and Natasha Caluza, outgoing interns at Grounded. They are ending their attachment this month! We hope that the internship has been a meaningful experience for them and that they are leaving with a deeper understanding of the blockchain industry and the entrepreneur mindset.

Q: Tell me a little about yourself!

K: I’m Kenneth, a linguistics major at Nanyang Technology University! I’ve been part of the Grounded team since early June.

N: I’m Natasha, a business student at Singapore Management University majoring in Marketing and Corporate Communications. I’ve been working with Grounded’s marketing team since January this year.

Q: Why did you intern at Grounded?

K: I chose to intern at Grounded because of one buzzword, Blockchain. As a summer intern, I wanted to learn as much as I can and saw an opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone.

N: I first worked with the Grounded team as a part-time community manager for their clients. From there, the opportunity presented itself for me to join under the marketing team. I wanted to learn more about blockchain because it’s the next big thing shaking up the age-old financial system.

Q: How was your experience?

K: Enriching. Working in a quick paced environment really pushed me out of my comfort zone. Being exposed to all the different projects in Grounded have been really eye-opening and I got to pick up many skills.

N: It’s been very fruitful! I was given ownership over projects such as Block Live Asia, Consentium and Exonium. I learned important skills like social media management and event planning.

Q: Let’s get to know you on a more personal level. This or that quickfire!

Q: What is the most useless talent you have?

K: I can recite the names of all the MRT Stations of the East-West and Circle line, in order.

N: I can fill a cup to the brim without looking.

Q: Describe your typical day in Grounded in three words.

K: Coffee. Research. Writing.

N: Strategise. Coordinate. Execute.

Q: What advice can you give to future interns?

Q: What is one thing you are taking away from the blockchain industry?

K: Blockchain might seem daunting to the uninitiated, but take your time to embrace this technology and it can work for you.

N: I learned that the industry is very dynamic. Projects have grown exponentially by collaborating and listening to the needs of the market.

Q: Last question, before we wrap this up, what’s next for you?

K: I will be going off to Sweden for 6 months for my semester exchange. I am headed to Lund University, and I’m pretty excited about what’s coming up.

N: I’ll be graduating this year! I am officially ending my Grounded internship this July and I’m very grateful for the trust and support provided by the team throughout my journey.


Meet the team for real!

Check out our website or email us at hey@grounded.work.

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Grounded was founded on a collective dream to build an empire and leave a legacy behind long after we’re gone.