The weekend when the theory of Jeb Bush and Scott Walker becomes reality

James Pindell
Ground Game
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2015

Today, ideas about how Scott Walker and Jeb Bush may play in New Hampshire begin to become reality. Both make their first trip to the Granite State exploring presidential runs. Both will be questioned and analyzed by Republican activists.

While both will be in the state for two days, they will be largely inaccessible the state’s Republican rank and file. Bush will have two public events, including a house party in Dover tonight. Walker will just have one public event, a New Hampshire GOP grassroots training event in Concord.

The pair lead in polling in the Granite State even though they haven’t been in the state in years.

Popping this morning:

In Perry visit to N.H., a lesson for Bush and Walker in The Boston Globe: “The humbled, scrappy way former Texas governor Rick Perry campaigned across New Hampshire on Thursday could serve as a lesson to former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, both of whom will be in the state this weekend.”

Chris Christie on the brink in Politico: “Chris Christie’s political team has a problem: Even the campaign’s supporters need to be reassured that he’s still in the presidential game.”

How long is Elizabeth Warren’s moment? in The Boston Globe: “Beginning with the concession that Senator Elizabeth Warren — based on her public statements, private conversations with associates, and, frankly, common sense — will not seek the Democratic nomination for president, how long she can manage to leave that heavy door ever so slightly ajar will color much of the pre-voting months of the primary.”

Jeb Bush gives interview to N.H. Union Leader ahead of N.H. visit: “Bush recalled fond memories of campaigning in New Hampshire for his brother in 2000, when he and supporters from Florida flew up to rally voters for the 43rd president, carrying along some fresh oranges to boot.

“When or if his ‘Right to Rise’ political action committee takes the next step in his White House exploratory, Bush said he would be in New Hampshire on a regular basis because, he said, Granite Staters take their politics seriously.”

Martin O’Malley, former Md. governor, tests the waters in N.H. in The Boston Globe: “So what exactly is O’Malley doing, and who exactly is here to listen to a lesser-known candidate on the stump a year before ballots are cast? Well, this is New Hampshire in presidential primary season — albeit the very early stages of primary season — and even the most prosaic politicians on the stump are paid attention.”

In New Hampshire, Clinton Backers Buckle Up in The New York Times: “Here at Cafe Espresso, the diner where [Hillary] Clinton’s eyes welled up with tears the day before the 2008 primary — a heavily televised scene at a pivotal campaign moment — Ms. Donohoe and other women said they were buckling up for a bumpy ride with Mrs. Clinton into 2016, but certainly not backing away.”

My Life as a Gay Congressman by Barney Frank in Politico Magazine: “In 1986, I was as ready to leave the closet as I would ever be — but how would I do so? Though I was a third-term Democratic congressman from Massachusetts, I had lived too long with the burden of ‘the gay thing’ to treat coming out as a political matter alone. For many years, I was ashamed of myself for hiding my membership in a universally despised group. I’d been afraid of exposure, and angry at myself for my self-denial. I’d felt shame as I watched younger gay men and lesbians confront the bigots openly with a courage that I lacked. After all those years, lying to people was much easier emotionally than finally admitting my lie.”

Number of the day: 8

The number of potential presidential candidates who already have a super PAC, according to the Washington Post.

New Hampshire chatter: In N.H., a critical US Senate race is already taking shapein The Boston Globe: “If it plays out the way activists from both parties hope and expect, it could be the most prominent campaign between two women for the Senate in the nation’s history.

“And history is not the only reason that a potential matchup between Senator Kelly Ayotte, a Republican, and Governor Maggie Hassan matters. Such a race could also decide the fate of a rising national Republican star, determine which party controls the Senate, and further define a state in the middle of a long simmering political identity crisis.”

Iowa chatter: Who will compete in the Iowa Straw Poll? in The Des Moines Register: “The aim for GOP presidential candidates in Iowa is to score well in the Iowa caucuses, which will take place in precincts across the state Feb. 1.

“The Iowa Straw Poll is more of a risk-reward analysis.

“Who competes in this year’s event, scheduled for Aug. 8 in Boone, is about gamesmanship.”

South Carolina chatter: Jim Webb coming to Columbia for fundraiser next week in The State: “Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb, a Democratic 2016 White House prospect, will headline a fundraiser in Columbia next week for a pair of Richland Democrats in the House — Minority Leader Todd Rutherford and Rep. Mia McLeod.

“This is Webb’s first trip to the early presidential primary state since forming a White House exploratory committee.

South Carolina will entertain six 2016 hopefuls for a week starting Saturday.”

President Obama went on Jimmy Kimmel last night to do the Mean Tweets segment



James Pindell
Ground Game

Political reporter for The Boston Globe focused on the 2016 US presidential election.