Test the pre-alpha version of our latest feature: web chat

Simon Galperin
GroundSource: Notes
3 min readFeb 6, 2019

The following is a republished edition of GroundSourced, a weekly newsletter from GroundSource on listening and community engagement. It features successful community engagement efforts, highlights missed opportunities for listening, and offers strategies that help you engage and listen to your community. You can subscribe to GroundSourced here.

Telling your story builds trust with your community. Being transparent about what you’re working on, why, and what you need is a great way to show your work and invite community participation that can improve your products.

At GroundSource, we’ve been hard at work for months developing the next version of our platform and we’ll be sharing more about that soon. (You will be the first to to hear about the release!) In the mean time, we’ve also been thinking about how we scale the quality of SMS engagement despite the limitations of SMS technology.

The thing that makes SMS engagement so powerful is that it is independent of social platforms. It is direct and conversational, letting your organization’s voice and content build relationships that you own.

But there is another place you own your relationships: your website. We’ve already built online sign up forms to help convert your digital audience to SMS but now we’re going further. We want to give you the ability to engage your audience in conversation where they’re at — your site — and leverage that space to develop and sustain deeper relationships.

And because we want to build with you — not just for you — we’re publicly testing the pre-alpha version of our latest feature that we’re calling web chat. Read more and check it out below. And as always, let us know what you’d like to see in GroundSourced.

Photo by Jon Tyson

Give us feedback on the pre-alpha version of our latest feature: web chat

Pre-alpha versions of product’s are “not feature-complete and not usually released to the public.” But we don’t release things to the public. Like we said above: We build with our customers, not for them.

So that’s why we’re sharing this newborn product with you. We’re building it because we want it to serve as the top of your engagement funnel. It should create opportunities to activate and engage people interacting with your digital content to convert them to SMS and other channels in a way that makes independent community building easier.

Click here to test out web chat and tell us how it can work for you. Just type “hello” to get started.

What we’re reading



Simon Galperin
GroundSource: Notes

Simon Galperin is the Executive Editor at The Jersey Bee and CEO of Community Info Coop.