We Are Making Democracy Real

Groundswell Action Fund
2 min readDec 19, 2018

A groundswell of women of color leaders is coming together to build power through electoral organizing, refusing to be intimidated or act out of fear, and moving collectively to make systemic change and craft a new, more just reality for all of us.

At Groundswell Fund, we recognized that if we are to secure a future that honors all people and provides the spaciousness and support for their gifts to be actualized in their fullness, we must not be satisfied with winning within an increasingly hostile environment. Rather we need to build the strength and power to nurture and grow the goodness, hope, and vision we all have for a more welcoming and just society.

Understanding this urgency, we created the Groundswell Action Fund. Because of overwhelming support, in less than 18 months, Groundswell Action Fund has directed over $1.8 million to some of the most powerful electoral work led by Black women and women of color in the country.

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Many of the organizations we support played key roles in the historic upticks in voter engagement and participation this 2018 election cycle. The Equity Alliance, led by Charlane Oliver and Tequila Johnson, mobilized Black folks across Tennessee, moving the state from 50th to 1st in early voter turnout; the Texas Organizing Project, led by Michelle Tremillo and Brianna Brown, helped turn out 3.6 million new voters in Texas; Black PAC, led by Adrianne Shropshire, helped elect progressive women candidates across five states; and The New Georgia Project Action Fund, led by Nse Ufot, registered over 200,000 voters in Georgia.

This groundswell of justice seekers and justice makers has been rumbling for years and is building an exhilarating, freeing, joyful collective of a bigger, powerful WE. This powerful WE is calling on us to bring all of ourselves into this moment as we strive towards a more just future.

We honor the power of the human spirit to do great things. We also know that without real resources, this bold vision of an inclusive and welcoming WE will be harder to achieve. With your support we will get closer to the vision of WE. Collectively, #WeAreTheGroundswell.

With deep appreciation,

Charlene Sinclair
Groundswell Action Fund

P.S. Share this powerful video and stay connected on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.



Groundswell Action Fund

We strengthen U.S. mvmts for repro & social justice by resourcing intersectional electoral organizing & centering the leadership of women & TGNC ppl of color.