Democratic Candidate in the Spotlight: Katie Porter of California’s 45th District

Doug Goldring
GroundUp Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2018

Katie Porter, the Democratic candidate running for Congress in California’s 45th District, says “I’m running to continue the work I’ve always done — to take on the powerful special interests on behalf of our families.”

As a Consumer Protection Attorney, Porter has focused her work for much of the last twenties years on defending individuals and families against corporate banks and special interest groups. She was one of the first to call out the dangerous practices that preceded the housing crisis, and was appointed by Kamala Harris to oversee the execution of the payouts the banks were required to make.

Katie is an advocate, author, law professor, and mother to three children. In every step of her career, she has been at the forefront of seeking economic reforms, and bringing light to the way our laws our skewed to benefit special interests as opposed to the general consumer.

Porter will face off against Mimi Walters, the incumbent Republican candidate for the 45th. Walters has been a vocal supporter of Trump, with 538 labeling her an “eager unifier.” She is quoted as saying of him, “He stands for what we stand for.” She has voted in opposition of abortion rights, in opposition of same-sex marriage, in opposition of gun control legislation, in opposition to climate reform legislation, in support of a border wall, and in support of repealing the Affordable Care Act. She even voted for the Republican tax reform bill, a bill which was opposed by many other California Republicans because of the negative financial effects it would have on her California constituents in particular.

Katie Porter, in addition to her heavy emphasis on economic reform and consumer advocacy, emphasizes her desire to bring Medicare to all. She wants to guarantee Women’s Health rights, and the right to choose. She supports common-sense gun reform, connecting this issue with better access to mental health care for all. She wants comprehensive immigration reform, improved regulations and reform for climate and environmental issues, increased investment in sustainable energy, and perhaps most importantly, in education. Her website states, “Katie believes that quality public education is the bedrock of the American dream. She supports increasing our investment in education, expanding early childhood education and making college more affordable for our kids.”

Porter’s former law professor at Harvard, Senator Elizabeth Warren said at one Porter’s campaign events, “For me, the one that makes me just jump in immediately? She has courage…She doesn’t back down. She doesn’t ease off…She knew exactly why she was in that room…She was in there to fight…That’s what it’s gonna take in Washington to turn that place around…”

To donate to Katie Porter’s campaign, you can get started by rounding up your spare change here with GroundUp, the grassroots fundraising platform helping you to fund Democrats.

